Chapter 12 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

Kristin disappeared leaving me feeling so empty inside, now I know what it feels like to be away from my mate, it's not a good feeling at all. I know she loves me so why won't she accept me as her mate then  we can be together, forever.

I know it was wrong of me to kidnap her but she is my mate, what else was I supposed to do? She would never have come here willingly, she would have rejected me there and then. Talking about rejection..... Why hasn't she rejected me? It's been a week, all she keeps saying is that she doesn't want me and never will, so then she should reject me but hasn't yet which proves she loves me and is only saying no to punish me for kidnapping her.

I've been stuck in bed this past week, it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm so bored I need to get out and Kristin's not here to stop me. Besides it's only my arm that is injured, my legs and feet are perfectly fine to walk. Maybe I'll go and talk to dad about this mate stuff because it's really confusing at the moment then I'll go find Kristin.

I got out of bed and out of my room to search for Dad.

A minute later, I found Dad in his study going through some paperwork.

"Tom what are you doing out of bed, you should be resting?" Dad asked with a concerned look before putting the paperwork down on his desk.

"It's ok dad, I'm fine. I just want to talk to you then I'll go back to bed," I assured my worried looking Dad.

"Ok what do you want to talk about?" Dad asked while looking relieved that I would go back to bed after talking to him.

"Well....... I wanted to ask you about mates," I said.

"What about them?" Dad asked.

"If your mate tells you they don't love you or want you, aren't they supposed to reject you?" I asked.

"Yes but why do you ask?" Dad asked

"Just curious," I lied.

"Tom what's happened? a
Are you and Kristin ok? You're not having problems already are you?" Dad asked with a more concerned look.

"Well......,' my voice trailed off.

"Tom tell me what's going on," Dad demanded and I though it was best to tell him. I took a deep breath and then told Dad everything, from the day I met Kristin up to now.

When I finished, Dad took a moment to think before speaking.

"Tom what you did was wrong but there is still time to fix things with Kristin if you want to," Dad said.

"You think so?" I asked with hope in my heart. I will never give up on Kristin. I have to keep trying to win her over. I can never lose hope.

"Yes. If Kristin really doesn't want to be with you, she would have rejected you but she hasn't which means she could still have feelings for you," Dad told me.

"That's what I've been thinking but what can I do to make her fall in love with me?" I asked.

"Right now there's nothing you can do but it would be a good idea to give her some time to think about what she wants and let her come to you," Dad suggested.

"But Dad that will be so difficult. I already feel terrible without her, I feel so anxious," I whined.

"I know it's difficult but it will be worth it when she does accept you as her mate and she'll never leave your side again," Dad assured me.

"I like the sound of that," I said with a smile.

"Well you know what you have to do to get there,"

"Thanks Dad," my smile widened. I always feel better after talking to Dad about what is worrying me.

"No problem son, you should get back to bed now and rest,"

"But Kristin's gone," I said sadly and my smile disappeared.

"Don't worry, she will come back to you soon I'm sure of it," Dad assured me again.

"Ok," I said and walked out of the study to look for Kristin.

I searches all over the palace but couldn't find my mate anywhere. Maybe she was in my room so I headed back there. When I opened the door, someone ran into my arms and hugged me. That someone was really small and cuddly, it was Kristin. I hugged her back for a minute but then Kristin pulled away.

"Tom where did you go? I was worried I thought something had happened to you?" Kristin asked worriedly, I knew she cared about me but why does she always push me away?

"I'm sorry, I went to look for you," I apologised.

"There was no need, I was on my way back," Kristin told me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," Kristin confirmed.

"Kristin I'm really sorry for everything. Can you give me a chance to be your mate? Please. Just one chance is all I'm asking for?" I pleaded.

"Are we really mates?" Kristin asked.

"Of course we are,"

"So will you give me a chance?" I asked with hope. I must never give up hope when it comes to Kristin.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it," Kristin admitted.

"What is there to think about? We're mates, why won't you accept me?" I asked sadly.

"Because........," Kristin began.

"There is no reason for us not to be together is there? You just want to hurt me don't you?" I asked while looking sadly to the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you Tom," Kristin told me.

"Then accept me, please," I begged.

"But-" Kristin tried to say.

"If you won't accept me then reject me now, I don't want to be lead on," I cut in before Kristin could say anything.

"Reject you?" Kristin asked in confusion.

"Yes, reject me. That's what someone does if they don't want their mate, they reject them," I said sadly.

"What happens if I reject you?" Kristin asked, I couldn't bare that if it were to happen, if Kristin rejected me........

"I will be in pain until you accept me," I replied.

"What if I never acccept you?"

"Then I will not be able to take the pain and will end up dead," I stated the truth. It is not possible for anyone to live with the rejection of their mate. If they are never to be accepted, they will eventually die of a broken heart and soul.

"That's horrible," Kristin commented.

"It's true, that's what will happen to me because you're never going to accept me. I understand and it's ok, I get it. You don't want me," I said sadly, I stood up and was about to leave but Kristin grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"I'm sorry, don't go," Kristin apologised and pleaded.

"I can't stay if you don't want me," I disagreed.

"I do want you," Kristin said, what? did I just hear right? Did Kristin just say she wants me?

"But you always said you didn't love me,"

"I lied," Kristin admitted.

"Does that mean you do want me?" I asked carefully. If there is any hope Kristin means what she says, if have to thread carefully.


"Do you accept me as your mate?" I asked and grew excited. My dreams were beginning to come true.

"Yes," Kristin confirmed and I brought my lips to hers before she got any ideas about changing her mind.

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