Chapter 8 [Part 1]

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Kristin's pov

I woke up the next day feeling really good but then I felt two arms around me and I remembered last nights events. I was kidnapped by a Vampire Prince.

I struggled out of Tom's arms and looked around the room. My vision was now more defined, everything looked clearer and sometimes blurry, similar to what you see when looking through a magnifying glass. I guess it will always be like that now that I'm a vampire.

I looked at Tom, he looked much better than I remember and he was asleep. He told me he doesn't sleep, the liar. I shook his shoulder to wake him. He opened his eyes.

"Kristin?" Tom said in his morning voice and then smiled

"Kristin," Tom said again happily and hugged me.

"Tom you were asleep," I stated.

"Yeah so?" Tom asked while rubbing his eyes.

"You said you don't sleep," I said.

"I lied, Tom said with his famous smirk.

"What else have you lied about?" I asked.

"Nothing, only that," Tom paused.
"So how do you feel now that you're a Vampire?"

Just then, I felt a burning sensation in my throat that wouldn't stop.

"I feel the same except the burning in my throat," I said.

"That can easily be sorted," Tom said before pulling me out of bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We're getting dressed and then we'll have breakfast to get rid of the burning," Tom explained.

"Ok but what will I wear?" I asked when I remembered my clothes were at home on earth.

"All your things are here somewhere," Tom assured me.

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, have a look," Tom said and I did. I looked around the room and quickly noticed some suitcases in a corner. I went over to them and looked inside to see all my belongings. I picked out a pair of dark blue jeans and a light blue top. I went to the bathroom and got dressed and that.

When I came out Tom was already dressed in Black jeans and top with trainers.

I put on some black flat shoes and sat at the dressing table.  I looked in the mirror. I look exactly the same as I did when I was human except now my skin is a little paler, I've got fangs and my eyes are now red like Tom's.

I did my usual makeup routine while Tom sat on the bed. I then combed through my long blonde hair leaving it loose.

Tom then picked me up into his arms and ran out the room.

"Tom put me down, I'm as fast as you now remember?" I reminded the Vampire.

"Oh yeah sorry," Tom apologised, set me on my feet and grabbed my hand.

We ran down the hallway and down many stairs until reaching the bottom with our Vampire speed ability. It was quite exciting, I've never ran so fast in my life and without breaking a sweat.

We soon reached some double doors which were opened from the other side by a man in a suit, he must be a servant and a Vampire because he has red eyes.

We walked into the room. The room was huge and long. In the center there was a big dining table with many seats, about 20. Tom's parent's were seated at the far end. We walked upto them before Tom pulled up the chair next to Richard-his dad and he motioned for me to sit . Once I had sat down, Tom pulled the chair in. He then took the seat beside mine.

"Ah Tom, Kristin how nice of you to finally join us," Richard said happily. Tom's mother only glared at me. She really doesn't like me does she?

"That's no way to look at your son's mate Patrisha," Richard said to Tom's mum. Then Richard turned to me. I wonder what a mate is.

"Kristin I see you're a Vampire now, how is it going?" Richard asked.

"Fine except the burning in my throat," I replied.

"Well that can easily be taken care of," Richard told me and then he clicked his fingers to a servant near him. The servant nodded then disappeared and came back with 4 mugs. One was placed in front of each of us. Immediately the three of them gulped the drink down.

I stared into the mug and saw a red liquid. I sniffed it and it smelt really good so I took a sip. It tasted good and the burning in my throat stopped.

"What is this?" I asked Tom curiously.

"Blood," Tom replied.

"Oh," I said and finished drinking the blood. Of course it's blood, what else would it be?

Then the mugs were taken away and replaced by a plate full of bacon and eggs. I thought vampires couldn't eat human food but it's good because human food is really tasty. We ate in silence.

When we were finished eating, the table was cleared by servants. Tom took me to a room on the right. It was the living room, there were 2 big couches and a huge plasma screen on the wall.

"Are you ok Kristin?" Tom asked me once we'd taken a seat on one of the couches.

"I'm fine but that doesn't mean I like you," I said.

"I thought you did, you told me to turn you into a Vampire,"

"I had no choice," I admitted sadly. I was forced to come here and now I stuck here forever.

"Yes you did, I didn't have to turn you yesterday, we could have waited," Tom told me.

"It's too late now," I said and Tom sighed sadly. "Kristin you will like me someday, we are mates,"

"What's mates?" I asked. Richard mentioned a mate before but I have no clue what he meant and he never explained it to me.

"Soul mates, that's why I love you. You are my soulmate," Tom clarified.

"No I'm not," I said. What the hell is he on about? There is no such thing as soul mates.

"Yes you are. It's why we both were having the same nightmare all these years because our souls are connected,"

"I don't care I will not love you ever so you better get used to it," I decided. I can never love a Vampire even if I am one myself now.

"What if I don't want to?" Tom asked and I could tell he was getting angry.

"You have to," I answered.

Without warning, Tom grabbed me and had me pinned against the couch.

"You will love me one day but until then I'm not letting you out of my sight so you better get used to me. You're mine and I'll never let you leave me," Tom said angrily making me gulp. Then he loosened his grip on me but never let go. He put the T.V on and we watched in silence.

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