Chapter 6 [Part 1]

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A second later, we reappeared back into my room. What was the point of taking me away for a second and bringing me back?

Tom was still holding me in his arms so I squirmed to get free and ran to my bed and under the covers.

"I told you to leave, I wasn't joking, now go," I told Tom.

"Why would I leave my own room?" Tom asked.

"This isn't your room it's mine," I corrected.

"No this is my room, I just redecorated it to match your room so you'd be comfortable here," Tom said as he sat on the bed next to me.

"Don't lie," I said with narrowed eyes.                  

"I'm not lying, see for yourself," Tom said then opened the door I thought belonged to my bedroom.

I got out of bed and looked, Tom was right I wasn't at home anymore. I stepped out into a long dark hallway, which had a few doors.

Suddenly, a dark figure went past really quickly and I was pulled back into the room by Tom. The door slammed shut.

"Tom what have you done? Why have you brought me here? Where is here and who was that just now?" I asked while starting to get a little frightened.

"I brought you here so we can be together properly. I told you I love you and that was another Vampire," Tom explained to me.

"Where is here?" I asked.

"The Vampire world," Tom replied.

"You shouldn't have brought me here. I don't want you, I don't want to be here. I want to go home," I whined.

"I'm sorry but this is your home now. You're never leaving here, you'll stay by my side forever," Tom said as he got closer to me.

"You can't keep me here,"

"Oh yes I can," Tom said confidently.

"I hate you," I spat out with Tom's face only inches away from mine.

"That's good. Hate is a passion that can easily change to love," Tom said as I could feel his breath on my face.

"No it can't," I argued.

"It can. you'll see," Tom replied.

"I won't be here to see," I said and walked towards the door but Tom caught my wrist gently to stop me.

"You can't leave this room without me or you'll be killed," Tom warned me.

"I'd rather die than stay in this room with you," I glared at Tom who had a look of hurt on his face.

"You don't mean that," Tom pinned me against the wall with his arms.

"Yes I do. Now let me go," I said angrily.

"Never," Tom tightened his hold on me. I wriggled to get free but couldn't because the Vampire was too strong.

I screamed and suddenly, the door flew open and there stood a young woman. She had medium black hair and similar facial features as Tom. She was dressed in all black and not to forget those red eyes. She must be a Vampire. She looked at me and Tom before shouting


AN ~ There is more of this story available on Tapas for free. The link is in my bio! Please subscribe to this story on Tapas, let's get to 100 subscribers and happy reading!

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