Chapter 17 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

1 week later

It's been a week now and I haven't found Kristin, I've looked in every town nearby but found nothing.

I can't believe this has happened again but I will find Kristin and when I do, I won't let her leave me again.

My phone began to ring, it was Dad.

"What is it Dad?" I asked with my phone at my ear.

"I think you should come home, we may have found Kristin," Dad told me.

"Really? You found her?" I asked eagerly.

"I'm not sure it's her but it could be her, someone spotted her and their description matches Kristin,"

"Then it must be her. I'm on my way, I'll be there by the end of tommorow,"

"Ok son, I'll see you then,"

"Bye," I said and ended the call.

I turned my car around and made my way home. It was getting dark so after an hour or so, I found a place to stop and took a nap for a few hours before I set off again.

The next evening, I reached home and dad greeted me at the door.

"Tom I've missed you, it feels like it's been so long since I saw you last," Dad told me and hugged me. I returned the hug.

"I know dad I missed you too. Where's Mum?" I asked.

"She's gone with some guards to get the girl that was spotted that we think is Kristin,"

"When will they be here?"

"They should be here any minute now. They left half an hour ago,"

Then we just waited.

A few minutes later, Mum returned alone.

"Mum where's Kristin? Why have you returned alone?" I asked in confusion.

"Tom the girl we found matching Kristin's appearance is dead," Mum told me carefully.

"What? Kristin is dead?" I asked starting to panic. "No!"

"We don't know if it is Kristin, maybe you should take a look at the body," Mum suggested.

"Ok," I agreed. I will only know for sure if I see the body myself. I hope more than anything that the body isn't my mates because without her I don't know how I am going to continue living. Kristin is my everything.

"Follow me," Mum said and I did.

We went outside into the courtyard and there on the floor, I saw the body. I went closer hoping that the dead body wasn't Kristin. When I got close enough I knew it was her, it was Kristin. I saw her blonde hair and my mark on her neck.

"It's her," I said with no emotion.

"Are you sure Tom?" Mum asked to make sure.

"I'm sure," I replied then without another word, I ran up to my room and into my bed. I could smell Kristin's scent from her side of the bed and it comforted me a little, I knew then that I would never wash the covers because Kristin's scent was on them.

I can't believe she is gone, she is dead, my beautiful mate. What am I suppose to do know ? There is no point or reason for living now without her? I have to die to join her, it's the only way we can be together now.

It will be difficult to kill myself becaue I'm a vampire, setting myself on fire would definately work but I can't do that because someone will smell the fire as soon as I started it and they would be able to stop me quickly. No, I can't do that, I have to do something that won't leave a smell and won't make a sound.

I know I'll drown myself in the bath. Yes, that will be quiet and won't leave a smell. So I made my way to the bathroom, I opened the taps and filled up the bath tub with water. Then I closed the taps and sat in the bath tub.

"I'm coming Kristin, I'll see you soon and we can be together," I muttered to myself.

I took a deep breath and lay in the bath, going lower and lower untill my whole body was under the water. The whole point was to cut off my air supply which would soon kill me. I guess it worked because a minute later, I found it difficult to breath. I should have come up for air but the point was to die so I didn't, I just lay there and soon found myself passed out into darkness.

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