Chapter 26.1 [Part 1]

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I gulped. I knew this would happen. What else was I expecting. Tom is back to his true self now, which is exactly what I wanted but now I regret it because he hasn't changed, he will never change. His smirk doesn't seem to ever be leaving his face and he looks very proud of himself. I can't go back now and it was only a matter of time before this happened anyway. Tom is a Vampire, there is no chance of him having amnesia for the rest of his life. Not marking him would have only delayed the inevitable. He's back now, I just have to deal with it the best I can and try not let Tom walk all over me like he did before.

I backed away as Tom began to walk closer to me. How could I have been so stupid in believing his promise of changing. It's clear now that he never will.

Tom suddenly stopped and his smirk disappeared. His face was now completely serious.

"I was only joking Kristin," Tom sighed. "I promised I would change and I will,"

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. I still don't believe him.

"Yes, I meant every word that I said and I will stand by it. Kristin when I thought I had lost you forever, it was the worst thing I've ever had to go through knowing that I would never see you again because I love you. I never want to feel like that again. I promise I will change and be the mate I should be and the one you deserve. I am truly sorry for everything I've done. I had no right bringing you here against your will then forcing you into being my mate and becoming a Vampire when you clearly weren't ready. I promise I will never do anything like that again. Please don't leave, give me....... give us a chance,"

Ok this is unexpected. I wasn't expecting Tom to stand by his word like this and promise to change but I still can't believe him, I have to see it to believe it. No one said a word until I had thought everything over. I really want to give Tom a chance to change, he is my mate after all and I want to see if we can work. Nothing can be done about me turning into a Vampire, I am stuck this way whether I am with Tom or not. I've lost my old life and can't ever go back there, especially not as a Vampire. I haven't got anything to lose really but it doesn't excuse what Tom has done. Just because he kidnapped me, it doesn't mean he needed to treat me like a hostage. He could have apologised for kidnapping me, explained his actions and treated me with respect then I wouldn't have hated him or tried to leave him. I would have willingly stayed with him but he didn't do anything of the kind which is why we're at this point now.

"Fine," I agreed. "I will give you a chance to show me that you can change but we do this on my terms not yours. You've already got everything your way. From now on, that has to change. If you ever revert back to your old ways then I am gone and you'll never see me,"

"I promise I won't," Tom promised. "We can take things slowly, we can-"

"We will have separate rooms and we will do this properly. We will get to know each other slowly then when I am ready and if I decide it is what I want then I will consider whether or not we can be anything more or not," I cut in before Tom could continue what he was saying. It looked like he wanted to argue with my words but then he must have been reminded of the promise he made me and didn't.

"If that is how you want it then that is how it will be," Tom agreed.

AN~ The next chapter is up on Tapas. The link to my Tapas profile page is in my bio!

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