Chapter 30 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

She's finally mine was my happy thought as I held Kristin while we sat on the bench in the rose garden. I can't believe this has happened. I can't believe we are finally together. Well..... we aren't technically, we've just kissed but it's getting there. All my hard work has paid off but I have to continue doing what I've been doing for the rest of my life or I could lose Kristin again and this time it would be for good, there would be no second chances. I can't risk that happening, I have to ensure Kristin never leaves me by treating her right, how I should have from the start but didn't. I've been given a second chance to do it right. I can't mess this up. I'm on my final chance.

"I love you," I blurted out without thinking but Kristin surprised my by replying

"I love you too,"

And then our lips joined together for our second kiss and it was just as lovely as our first one.

"Kristin?" I asked once our lips pulled apart.


"Do you want to hang out in my room for a bit?"

"Ok," Kristin agreed. I excitedly took Kristin's hand in mine and walked her to my room. We saw a few servants running around here and there but they didn't look at us. Either they didn't notice us or they were being respectful. Either way , it is good.

Once we got to my room and we were both stood inside. I shut the door and smiled before sitting on the bed. I tapped the bed beside me and Kristin joined me. I put my arm around her and placed a kiss on her cheek.


We ended up having a great time hanging out in my room. We talked, kissed and cuddled a lot. It was amazing and I didn't want it to end. If it was up to me, it would be like this all the time but it can't be. I am the Prince, I have responsibilities I can't avoid forever.

 "What's wrong?" Kristin asked in surprise when my hold around her loosened a little.

"Nothing's wrong but I have a meeting in a bit," I explained.

"Oh," Kristin sighed in disappointment. I'm so happy I have changed like I promised my mate and we are at this point. I always knew Kristin has always been attracted to me but she didn't want to be anywhere near me before because it was forced. Now, she can't seem to get enough of me which is exactly what I always wanted and could have had sooner but couldn't because of my previous ungentlemanly behaviour towards her. I'm glad I've put all that behind me because now Kristin actually wants to be with me of her own accord and not because I'm forcing her to be with me like I was before. I really wish I had been like this from the start then by now we could have been at a more advanced stage in our relationship. Right now, we're only at the beginning.

"Don't worry, it won't take long," I assured Kristin. There is no way I want to be apart from Kristin especially now with all the progress we've made but I will make sure this meeting is the shortest it can be so I can get back to Kristin and wipe that disappointed frown off her face. I kissed Kristin on the cheek and hugged her. 


"I'll be back soon," I told Kristin when it was time to go to the meeting. I pecked her quickly on the lips and let go before leaving the room in a hurry. The sooner I left, the sooner I could get the meeting over with and return to Kristin who said she'd wait in my room which was good as I'd get to see her as soon as the meeting was over. I wonder what the meeting is about. I'm sure we discussed everything and sorted it out in the last one.

I ran to the meeting room as quickly as I could. I was like a blur as I whizzed past many hallways and stairs. At a time like this, the size of this place is annoying because it will take longer to get around and it's wasting the time I have with my mate.

When I reached the meeting room, my parents and the royal council was waiting for me. I took a seat next to Dad and the meeting began.


Thankfully the meeting was only an hour long. There wasn't much to discuss and decisions were made accordingly with everyone in agreement. When Dad said the meeting was over, I was about to rush out of the room to get back to the girl waiting for me in my room but Dad stopped me.

"Wait Tom, I want to talk to you," Dad told me. I groaned in my head. I didn't want to talk to him right then but I had to see what he wanted.

"What's wrong Dad?" I asked once everyone had left the room, even Mum after she hugged me so it was just the two of us left.

"Nothing, can't I speak with my son without there being a problem?" Dad replied. "We haven't had a chat for ages as I've been so busy. I just wanted to know how you were son. How are you doing? How is Kristin?"

"I'm doing fine Dad and Kristin is good," I replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear," Dad returned my smile.

"Yes it is," I agreed.

"So the mate ball can commence?" Dad surprised me.

"The mate ball?" I asked as I remembered what a mate ball was. It hadn't entered my mind once since meeting Kristin.

"Yes, the mate ball. If things with you and Kristin are well then you need to introduce her to the kingdom,"

"I know dad but isn't it a bit too soon? Also things are going so well between us, it could effect that,"

"I know son but it has to be done. Why not get it over with now then you can both relax,"

"I guess," I agreed without thinking.

"Great! I'll announce the date of the mate ball as soon as possible,"

"What is the date?"

"I'm not sure exactly but it will be next week. I'll let you know as soon as I have the date confirmed. It was nice talking to you son, we should do this again soon. I have to go now, I've got another meeting,"

"Oh ok Dad," I replied. I hugged Dad. "See you later,"

"See you later son," Dad ended our conversation before he left the room. I blinked once before I left the room too.

I sighed happily once I was back in my mate's arms. 

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