Chapter 16 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

When mum and I reached home, I ran straight to my room to see my beautiful mate Kristin, I had brought her a gift and wanted to give it to her immediately.

When I got to my room I was sadly disappointed, the room was empty.

Oh no she's left me again hasn't she? This all my fault. I shouldn't have left without her.

I ran back out the front door.

"Tom what's going on? Where are you going?" Mum asked me.

"Kristin's gone, I'm going to find her," I told Mum.

I didn't wait for Mum to reply, I got into the driver's seat of my car and zoomed off.

Mum must have told everyone because 5 minutes later, there was a familiar car following me.

I stopped the car and got out. The car that was following me stopped too and out stepped my Dad.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard about Kristin and sent out people to look for her. "We'll find her Tom," Dad told me. "Don't worry,"

I got back in my car to search for Kristin.

I searched through different towns for hours but found nothing and soon it was night but I didn't stop looking.

My eyes were starting to get droopy and if I didn't stop right then, I knew I would pass out so I parked up on a quiet road.

I went to the boot of the car and took out a pillow and blanket that I brought with me because I knew I wouldn't be going home until I found Kristin.

I took the pillow and blanket with me to the back seat of my car. I laid the pillow down and rested my head on it. I pulled the blanket over my body and then closed my eyes to immediately fall asleep.


Kristin's pov

When I woke, I was somewhere unfamiliar. I took in my surroundings to realise I was in a small room in a small bed with a wet towel on my forehead.

My eye saw a door to the left. I tried to get up but couldn't. It hurts all over, especially the side of my head. I put my hand there and felt a bandage, I groaned in pain.

That's when the door opened and there stood a young man. He had blonde short hair and black eyes, he was pretty tall and well built. He was wearing blue jeans and a blue buttoned shirt. He is quite handsome but I can't think like that when I don't know him, he could be a murderer for all I know.

He walked closer to me but I moved backwards and hit my head on the bed frame, I groaned again.

"Are you ok?" the man asked softly and came even closer. He tried to touch my head but I moved away quickly in fear he was going to attack me or something.

'It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," the man tried to assure me but I was still cautious.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Seth who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Kristin, what happened and how did I get here?" I asked Seth.

"You don't remember?" Seth asked.

"No, tell me what happened," I demanded.

"I was out hunting in the woods and I saw you passed out. Your head was bleeding so I brought you here and looked after you while you were unconscious," Seth told me.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked

"2 days," Seth told me.

"2 days?" I asked in shock, 2 days is a long time.

"Yeah you hurt your head pretty bad and you have a temperature. I put some clean clothes out for you if you are up for getting dressed," Seth gestured to the chair beside the bed.

I took a look at my clothes, they were covered in blood and the smell was pungent.

"I'll manage,"

Seth nodded and handed me the clothes from the chair before leaving me to get dressed. It was quite painful getting dressed and took me a good ten minutes but I managed.

"Are these your clothes?" I asked when Seth returned to the room.

"Yes," Seth confirmed and then there was silence.

"So where is here? Are we still in the woods?" I asked curiously. I can't have traveled far.

"No we're a few miles away," Seth told me. I thought so.

"Why is this room so small?" I asked.

"All the rooms are small,"

"How come?"

"We're in a cottage," Seth replied.

"Do you live here alone?"


"You must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat," Seth said and left the room before I could ask anything more.

5 minutes later, Seth returned with a tray containing a bowl of soup and a glass of orange juice. I tried to sit up but couldn't so Seth helped me sit up, then he placed the tray on my lap.

I picked up a spoon from the tray and filled the spoon to have a taste. It was chicken soup and didn't taste bad, it was quite good.

"Did you cook this?" I asked.

"Yes but I can get you something else if don't you like it," Seth told me and turned to leave.

"No you don't need to, the soup is good," I said with a smile.

"Ok I'll leave you to finish," Seth smiled back and left the room.

When I finished eating, I started to remember what happened. I ran away from my mate, Tom and did I regret it? Right now, no.

I can't believe I hurt my head so bad, I should have been more careful because now I have to stay here with Seth until I'm better. I'm glad he helped me and he seems nice but I can't stay here, as soon as I'm well enough I'm leaving.

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