Chapter 14 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

I'm hurt by Kristin's words but I don't regret marking her as it's the only good thing to come out of our relationship so far. I know she is mad at me for marking her but she didn't need to walk out on me again especially now when I'm hurt and need her more than ever.

It's been an hour now and Kristin hasn't come back, where did she go? I have to go and find her. I stood up and  checked the entire Palace but I couldn't find Kristin anywhere, maybe she is in one of the gardens.

I made my way to to the gardens but Kristin wasn't there either. I began to panic at that point, she has to be here somewhere. I decided to look again but still found no Kristin.

I ran to find Dad and when I did, he wasn't happy to see me out of bed.

"Tom you said you'd stay in bed, what are you doing here?" Dad asked worriedly.

"Kristin's gone," I replied sadly.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Dad demanded angrily.

"I marked her, she wasn't happy about it and ran out of my room which was an hour ago. I haven't seen her since. I looked all over the palace twice but she's not here dad. What if something has happened to her? What if she's-" I began to say but couldn't bring myself to finish.

"It's ok Tom, I'll send out a search party," Dad decided then took hold of his phone and told the person who answered to get everyone together to look for Kristin. Then Dad stood up to leave.

"Where are you going," I asked.

"To help look for Kristin," Dad replied and I began to follow him. "Tom what are you doing?"

"I'm coming too,"

"No you're not. You're not fit enough to go out," Dad said while blocking the doorway with his arms.

"Yes I am. I only have a few bruises, they're nearly gone look," I glanced down at my arms.

"Tom it's best you stay here because Kristin clearly ran away from you. If she sees you, she won't want to return," Dad warned. "It really wasn't a good idea marking her so soon and without her permission,"

"I know but I'm coming. She's my mate. I have to find her," I was determined to go.

"Ok Tom but take it easy," Dad gave in and put his arms by his side to let me through.

"I will Dad," I agreed  and went for the door but then Mum barged in.

"What's going on? Wherevhas everyone gone?" Mum asked but I ignored her and made my way outside to look for Kristin.

I went towards my car and got in. Only a few seconds later, Dad joined me in the passenger seat.

"Ok son, let's go find your mate," Dad said. With that said, I started the engine and began driving.

Kristin can't have gone far, it's only been an hour, we should find her soon. We decided to go to the nearest town first but found nothing.

After we just kept going to different towns to find Kristin.

After a couple of hours, we made it to a the town of Renton which was a small town that I'd never been to before. It seemed to be quiet, there wasn't much people about except a few little kids running about.

Then a man appeared and told the kids to go inside. As the kids headed inside, I stopped the car and got out. I thought I saw someone run by quickly. The person had long blonde hair like Kristin's. She headed towards my left. I ran faster than lightening after her.

After a second, she stopped and looked back catching my eye, yep that's definately Kristin, I've found her.

When Kristin realised it was me, she began to run. She didn't get far because in less than a second, I had caught her in my arms.

"Kristin I was so worried," I put my lips on Kristin's for a kiss of relief.

"Let me go Tom," Kristin demanded when my lips left hers.

"Never. I nearly lost you, it won't happen again," I stated firmly and carried Kristin in my arms to the car into the back seat.

"Dad can you drive?" I asked Dad as I sat in the back of the car next to Kristin who refused to look at me.

"Sure," Dad replied and got into the driving seat. "I'm glad to see you are safe Kristin. We Were worried about you, especially Tom,"

Kristin glared at Dad and looked away. She has no reason to be angry with my Dad, she should be angry with me only but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't control how Kristin feels but I wish I could to stop all this aggro and be happy.

"Don't be like that. I saved you, you could have been killed," I said but Kristin ignored me.

"Look at me," I demanded but Kristin acted as if she hadn't heard me. I held her chin and turned it so she was facing me. However, her gaze remained away from me.

"Please look at me, I'm sorry," I apologised and Kristin finally looked at me.

"That's better," I smiled and hugged my  mate.

The journey home was silent, I held Kristin's hand but she soon fell asleep while leaning on my arm.

It was late when we reached home, Kristin was still asleep. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to bed.

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