Chapter 31 [Part 1]

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My happiness at being with my mate was short lived when I remembered I had to tell her about the ball and a look of dread hit my face.

"What's wrong Tom?" Kristin asked with concern on her face.

"Nothing," I replied. I don't want to ruin how good things are between us. "I'm just nervous,"

"Nervous about what?"

"I want to ask you something," I didn't lie, there was something I wanted to ask Kristin but I was nervous about it in case she said no.

"Then ask me,"

"Ok, I will," I decided. I can just ask her, if she says no then it's ok. I will understand. I'm just happy to be at this point with her. "Kristin, will you be my girlfriend?"

Kristin's eyes didn't widen in surprise like I thought they would but she didn't say anything either.

"It's ok Kristin," I sighed in disappointment. "You don't have to say yes, I know it is a bit soon. I mean we only just ...... I understand if you aren't ready-"

"No," Kristin shook her head and the disappointment grew, I knew she would say no so why did I even bother asking her in the first place? "It's not too soon. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend,"

My eyes widened in surprise and happiness as Kristin blushed.

"Really?" I asked to make sure. I can't believe she said yes. She's my girlfriend now. She agreed.

"Really," Kristin confirmed.

"So does this mean you accept me as your mate?" I asked my next question.

"Yes, I accept you as my mate,"

I leaned in close and placed my lips on Kristin. I was so happy, I could have melted but I didn't. I have to tell her about the ball. If I don't, she'll be mad at me for keeping it from her when she does find out and I don't want her to find out by anyone else. I'm sure all the servants will be extremely busy as soon as Dad has set a date for the ball and they are told to make the necessary arrangements. Tegan will notice and if she asks, they will have to tell her. Also the maids are bound to mention the ball to Kristin any day now as it is looming close. I want to be the one to tell her then I can help her prepare for it as long as she doesn't hate me once she finds out and decides to leave me again or worse she could-

"What are you worrying about?" Kristin pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I lied.

"It's not nothing Tom," Kristin refused to believe me with a knowing look. Damn! There's no hiding anything from her now. She knows me well enough to read my emotions and she can probably feel something isn't right from her Vampire instincts and my face. It must be looking worried right now. "You're clearly worried about something. What is it? You can tell me. You can talk to me about anything, you know that don't you?"

"Of course I do. I'm just nervous about how you'll take it," I admitted. What if she takes it badly and I lose her. Things are going better than they ever have between us, I don't want to jeopardise that for anything but I have to tell her. I just really don't want to.

"Just tell me Tom, it can't be that bad can it?"

"It isn't but it might be for you as you're still new to being a princess. I mean you've only just accepted me as your mate. You're not ready for more and I told this to Dad but there's nothing he can do about it either. It has to happen,"

"What has to happen?" Kristin asked with confused eyes.

"The ball?"

"What ball?"

"The ball where I have to introduce you to the kingdom as my mate," I finally explained.

"Oh," Kristin looked surprised but then surprised me. "Is that all?"

"Is that all?" I repeated Kristin's words. "Are you ok with this? You seem to be taking this better than I thought. I thought you would hate the idea and refuse to attend the ball or you'd hate me and stop talking to me,"

"Why would I do that? Yes, it's true I don't like the idea of attending the ball but we don't have a choice do we? You're the Prince and as your mate, that makes me a Princess whether I want to be or not. We both have a duty to fulfil. It's only for a few hours right?"

"Yes," I sighed in relief and hugged Kristin. I really thought I was going to lose her which would have been the greatest tragedy of them all. "Balls in the palace usually take place in the evenings so it won't be too long,"

"Then it's fine," Kristin assured me. "No need to worry about it anymore. When will the ball take place?"

"I'm not sure. Dad said it would be in a week but he wasn't sure either as he'd have to check his schedule and he only told me about it today,"

"That soon?" Kristin frowned.

"I know. I didn't want it to be this soon but the kingdom has been waiting a long time for this and it wasn't like we met recently is it? I know things weren't great between us until recently but you know what I mean right?" Kristin nodded her head before saying

"Yes, it's fine. It's been delayed because of me hasn't it?" Kristin asked with a knowing look. "If I hadn't have ran away, the ball would have happened ages ago but it didn't because of me,"

"Of course not Kristin, this is none of your fault. It's all my fault. If I had been a gentlemen to you from the beginning then none of this would have happened. If anyone is to blame for this then it's me so don't ever say that it was your fault ever again ok?"

"Ok," Kristin agreed and leaned up to kiss me. I sighed happily. Everything is really great right now. Kristin is ok with the ball and there's no reason to worry about losing her. My happiness wasn't to last because just then, there was a knock on the door.

I groaned and went to see who it was. It was a male servant. He bowed at me before saying

"I apologise for disturbing you your majesties but his majesty the King asked me to let you know that the mate ball will be held this Saturday evening,"

"Ok thanks," I dismissed the servant politely even though I wasn't happy with his words. I'd only just told Kristin. The servant bowed again before leaving and I closed the door. When I turned around to see Kristin's face, I knew she had heard everything and looked exactly how I felt about the whole thing. "I'm really sorry about this Kristin, I wish we had more time and I will be talking to Dad about this to find out why it is so soon, don't you worry,"

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