Chapter 9 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

After watching some T.V, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know why Kristin didn't like me so I switched the T.V off and faced her. I sighed.

"Kristin why don't you like me?" I asked.

"Why do you think?" Kristin replied bitterly.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you,"

"You kidnapped me and brought me here. You're keeping me here against my will. How am I supposed to like you? I liked you before you brought me here but now I just hate you," Kristin admitted but the only part I heard was she said she liked me before.

"You liked me?" I asked with a smirk. Kristin rolled her eyes at me.

"That all you heard isn't it?" Kristin asked.

"Oh yeah," I smirked again.

Stupid boy I heard Kristin think.

"I heard that,"

"You were meant to," Kristin muttered under her breath.

"How can you not like a prince?" I asked incredulously. Girls always fall for Prince's in the movies. I am a real life Prince so why doesn't Kristin love me like I love her?

"I don't care if you're a prince. I don't like you," Kristin told me.

"But I like you so much, I love you," I argued.

"You should have thought about that before kidnapping me. It's your own fault you know. If you never brought me here then maybe we would be a couple right now,"

"We still can be, all you have to do is forgive me," I said with hopeful eyes.

"No way," Kristin disagreed.

"But-" I began to say.

"I don't care, it's never going to happen so can you please drop the subject?" Kristin pleaded angrily.

"Fine I will," I agreed for now.

Then I stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Kristin asked.

"Why are you worried I'll leave and never come back," I asked with a hopeful look. If only Kristin felt something for me.

"I hope so," Kristin crushed any hope I had. Her words hurt me real deep, how can she want me to leave and never come back?

"Well it's never going to happen, I will never leave you forever. I have to go train with my Dad now and then I will be back,"

"Train for what?" Kristin asked curiously. She seems to be quite interested in my life for someone who claims they feel nothing for me. Maybe she is in denial and does have feelings for me after all. She will love me eventually because she is my soulmate but I want her to love me now not later.

"Train for when I become king of the Vampire world," I explained.

"You're going to be king, when?" Kristin asked with wide eyes. I am Prince, she should know Princes become Kings one day. I was ok with being King before but now that I have found my soul mate, ruling the Kingdom doesn't interest me.

"Soon," I replied then I gave Kristin a quick kiss on her soft lips before she could complain. "You stay here, don't try anything funny because there will be guards outside the door. I'll be back as soon as I can,"

"Oh no you don't. You can't just kiss me without permission and then walk away. I need to-" Kristin began to say. I know she wants to confront me for kissing her but I don't have the time.

"Just stay here, I'll be back before you know it," I cut Kristin off with another quick kiss on the mouth and then walked away but Kristin tried to follow me.

"Kristin," I warned turning around to face Kristin and blocked the doorway. Kristin tried to get passed me but I stopped her. I was too strong for her so she backed away and sat back on a couch before glaring at me.

I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I turned to the 2 guards waiting for me.

"Nobody goes in this room and nobody comes out except me, understand?" I ordered.

"Yes your highness," the guards replied together.

"Good," I walked away and went to look for Dad. I want to tell him I'm not sure about being King anymore because I won't get to spend much time with Kristin. I'll always be busy. However, I don't have a choice because I am the only child with no other relatives around my age so I'm the only candidate to be king.

I know Kristin doesn't like me at the moment but there is no harm in trying to win her over is there? I think not, so after training I will give it a try.

I can't see why Kristin doesn't want me, all the other girls want me but that could be because I'm to be king. Those girls don't interest me anyway, I only have eyes for Kristin.

I found dad on the balcony in my parents room.

"Ah Tom you're here, I have some good news for you," Dad said as soon as he saw me.

"Really what news?" I asked.

"Well....... Now that you've found your mate, I've decided you won't become King anymore. You will always be the Prince and Kristin is already your  Princess," Dad surprised me.

"Really?" I smiled. "But then who will be King?"

"Me, I will continue to be the King," Dad clarified.

"You mean it?" I asked happily.

"Yes son," Dad replied.

"Oh Dad, thanks so much you don't know how much this means to me, I love you," I hugged my Dad.

"I love you too Tom. Now go back to your mate,"

"I will," I said and ran out the room hurriedly with excitement. I don't have to be king anymore. I'm so happy.

I can't wait to tell Kristin. Maybe I should do something to win her over, but what?

I know girls like flowers. I'll give her Kristin a flower.

I ran to the garden where there were many flowers, too many to choose from but which one would Kristin like? I decided on a rose, but what colour? I think red would be best. I went over to the red rose bush and pulled a rose out. Then I ran inside and to the living room. I slid the rose into the back of my jeans pocket, I let the guards go and walked calmly into the room.

Kristin was still sitting on the couch.

"Kristin," I said as she turned to look at me.

"What?" Kristin snapped.

"I have to tell you something," I smiled and put my arm around Kristin's waist to pull her closer to me.

"Tell me what?" Kristin asked.

"I don't have to be King anymore,"


"Yes and you know what that means don't you?" I smirked.

"No, what does it mean?"

"That you'll be seeing me all the time," I said and Kristin groaned.

"Aww cheer up, I got you something," I said while pulling the rose out of my jeans pocket and handed it to Kristin.

"Thanks," Kristin smiled while smelling the rose.

"Does this mean you like roses?" I asked with a smile. This could mean she likes me.

"Yes but it doesn't mean I like you especially after you keep kissing me without asking," Kristin took my smile away and crushed my heart. Don't you worry Kristin I won't stop trying. You will be mine in the end.

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