Chapter 11 [Part 1]

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Kristin's pov

These last few days I have been looking after Tom as he's been laying in bed. I was so worried when I heard he'd been hurt, I was thinking the worst and when I saw him I was happy to see he was ok apart from his arm.

The doctor took the bandage off Tom's arm the day after the accident and ever since then I've been giving Tom arm massages.

The wound on his arm was gone and only bruises were left, Tom liked the massages I gave him, he winced quite a bit through them but he enjoyed the contact between my hand and his arm.

"You're loving this aren't you?" I asked as I massaged Tom's bruises with bruise cream the doctor had given.

"Of course I am, you're feeling up my arm," Tom agreed.

"I'm am not feeling up your arm, I'm massaging your bruises," I disagreed quickly.

"No that's just a decoy, you're really feeling up my muscles," Tom said proudly.

"My hands are nowhere near your muscles," I argued.

"Exactly, don't deny it. You're loving this as much as I am, you so want me," Tom insisted.

"No I don't," I said irritably.

"Yes you do. There's no need to pretend anymore, just go ahead and feel me up," Tom said with hopeful eyes.

"In your dreams," I muttered.

"Stop denying it. I can feel the vibe between us so just admit it, you want me," Tom said as he got closer.

"I'm not denying anything so there's nothing to admit, I don't want you," I said confidently.

"You're lying. Stop trying to resist me, we're mates," Tom said in my ear.

"Tom stop this," I said and by this point our faces were just an inch apart.

"I can't," Tom said and began to kiss my neck going upwards then his lips met mine for a second before I pushed him away from me and stood up off the bed.

"Kristin you pushed me away," Tom said with a look of hurt.

"I told you to stop," I replied.

"We're mates. Why don't you want me?"

"Does it look like you deserve me?" I asked angrily. The nerve of this Vampire.

"I do deserve you, I know I kidnapped you but it's was the only way for us to be together. Can't you just forgive me so we can be together?" Tom pleaded.

"No," I said firmly.

"Why not?" Tom whined.

"You don't deserve forgiving that's why," I replied and ran out of room before Tom could argue.

I had to get away from Tom, I can't believe he made a move on me after I told him I didn't want him. Why won't he get the message? I don't love him and the sooner he realises that, the better. I don't care if he is my mate, he can't keep me here against my own will. I have to find a way out of here, I need to escape. There's no way I could possibly stay here, who knows what he has planned for me if I accept him and be his mate. I'm glad I'm a vampire now because I have a better chance of escaping than I did when I was human as my blood won't be of any use to a vampire.

The only question is how the hell am I going to escape? There are guards everywhere, all around this place. I'm not strong enough to take them down. I need a plan, I was thinking maybe I could make Tom think I was giving him a chance to be my mate and then there won't need to be as many guards around and I could have a chance of getting away but that would be cruel telling Tom I accept him only to leave and brake his heart, no I could never do that.

I have to think of something else. I took a walk through this place earlier and . realised it was a palace, obviously it would be because the royal vampire family is living in it and if I accept Tom as my mate, I will be apart of the royal vampire family. I'd become something I don't want to become, a princess.

I needed some fresh air so I walked to the flower gardens and spotted some rose bushes. Roses are my favourite flower, I love the smell and the soft feel of the petals. This must be where Tom got the rose he gave me the other day which was a nice gesture, very sweet and romantic but I can't let Tom know that. Maybe one day if I ever accept him as my mate, I'll tell him but I doubt that will ever happen because I don't love him, I thought I did but that's changed since he kidnapped me and brought me here. I liked my own home, even though it was just me there and I was happy. I had a job and my own money to do as I pleased but all that is gone now and I will never get it back.

This garden is peaceful with all the beautiful flowers and their scents. I could come here all the time to avoid Tom as much as I can seeing as there is no way to escape, yet.

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