Chapter 32 [Part 1]

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I'm really not happy about the mate ball being so soon. If it were my decision when it would be then I would hold it off for as long as possible but it's not my decision. It's Dad's decision because he is the King. I know it's not his fault but that didn't stop me from having a go at him and demanding to know the reason why the ball was taking place in a few days.

"Now, now Tom," Dad put his hands up in surrender when I barged into his office in the evening after dinner and telling Kristin I would be with her in a bit. "I know why you are here and unhappy but it was out of my hands,"

"How? You could have delayed the ball for a bit longer," I disagreed.

"No I couldn't have Tom. I wish I could have, believe me I do but it was out of my hands. My schedule is full for the next year. This was the only evening free. I don't know when another evening will become available Tom. I'm sorry it can't be delayed any longer. Did Kristin take it that badly?"

"No," I admitted. "She's taken it surprisingly well and is ok with it but I wish we had a bit more time together before people find out she is my mate and her life changes forever,"

"I know you do Tom but her life has already changed forever. Her life changed instantly, the moment you first met her. If it were up to me, we'd have the ball when she was ready like in a year or so but there simply isn't any time and we can't delay this any longer son,"

"I know Dad, I know,"

"So you aren't mad at me anymore?" Dad asked me.

"Of course not Dad. I was never mad at you. I'm just mad at who we are. We're royalty and we can't always do what we want to do. It sucks Dad, it really sucks,"

"I know it does," Dad agreed and pulled me into his arms for a hug which I welcomed. I rarely get to spend any time with my Dad and I hate it. It's always been like that my whole life. Dad's schedule is always packed with being the King, there is always something regarding the kingdom that needs his attention. I only get to see him for meals most days or in instances like now when I am mad at him for a decision he has made. I wish we had more time together. I hope that one day, we will.

"It also sucks that we barely get to see each other anymore. I know it's always been like this but it would be nice to hang out sometimes,"

"Yeah it would be nice, maybe in another life, another time .....," Dad's voice trailed off. I doubt things would be any different in a different life in a different time. If we weren't royalty there would probably be a different reason for us not being able to hang out. At least I get to spend time with Kristin every day. Dad doesn't have the same luxury with Mum. I doubt he even has a minute to himself let alone any time for anything else. Sometimes, I wonder how they even managed to conceive me with how busy Dad always is.

"You must be busy," I said when we pulled away from the hug but Dad kept his arm around my shoulder.

"Unfortunately, yes," Dad confirmed.

"I'm sorry," I apologised. "I won't keep you any longer,"

"It's ok son, you can keep me as long as you want. You are the most precious person to me. I love you. You can see me whenever you want to. I don't mind. I can multitask,"


"Yes, you do that anyway don't you?"

I didn't answer. It was no secret. My whole life, I've seen Dad whenever I've wanted to. When I was little, I would barge into meetings and would sit on Dad's lap while he ordered everyone about. And since I've been an adult, I've gone to his office whenever I've wanted to see him even if he's busy with work. So technically I see him all the time but it just feels as if I don't because his mind is always elsewhere. I wish I could have his whole attention.

"I love you Dad,"

"I love you too Tom,"


"Any luck?" Kristin asked when I found her in her bedroom after I'd finished talking to Dad.

"No, I'm sorry," I apologised. "Dad's schedule is busy for the next few years. This Saturday is the only free time he has so who knows when it would happen if not on Saturday,"

"It's ok, it's not your fault. I told you, it is mine,"

"No it isn't Kristin, we've talked about this. It's all my fault. If I had treated you how a man should treat a women then none of this would be happening now. It would all be a thing in the past. Right now, we would be relieved that the ball was over ages ago and we wouldn't be worrying about it now. I don't want to hear that again Kristin. You've done nothing wrong, it's all my fault,"

"Surely-" Kristin tried to argue but I hushed her with a finger on her lips.

"Not another word about it Kristin," I said firmly and Kristin relented with a sigh before I pulled her into my arms for a hug. 

Kristin pulled away suddenly to ask nervously

"I won't have to give a speech at this mate ball will I?"

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