First day

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Hey guy's so i'm here to finally update this story. This update is long over due! So here we go!


Derpy's P.O.V

After he left me the yellow colt came back in and nudged me up. Once I was on my feet without falling to the ground. He leads me through a maze of halls. We stop in front a dull gray door. The colt opens the door with his horn, that I have just noticed, inside the room was a bed that looked hard, a single window in the back wall, to my left I see a door that i assume was my closet, and finally to the right of my closet door I see a door that lead to a bathroom. The colt gave me a shove into the room. I stumble into the room almost falling to the ground.

I turn to glare at the colt when i see him closing the door. I stand and rush to the door as I place my hoof on the door I hear a click. I panic and start tugging on the knob of the door. After a few minutes of tugging in vain I fall on my back in dismay. Tears start to burn my eyelids as I stare at the door. I look out my single window and notice that it was nighttime. I must have slept the entire way here. I look towards the bed and sigh. I walk to it and clamber on it was hard as it looked. I look at the ground and notice it's carpeted. I take the pillow off the bed and tuck it in my wing. I walk around the floor trying to find a good place to sleep. The softest spot was in the middle of the room. I grab the pillow with my teeth and place it onto the floor. I circle around a few times before laying down. I curl in a tight ball trying to block out the cold creeping in my body.


"Get up" The gruff voice says along with a sharp kick to my side. I jerk awake with a whimper. The person that kicked me was the yellow colt. The colt nudges me to pick me up. Once I was on my feet he once again lead me through the maze of halls. We arrive at a set of dark blue doors. The yellow colt used his magic to open the door.

We walk into the room. It had a long table that was made for kings when they feasted with alot of party guest. The only person who was in the room was Doctor, who was hardly close to a king. I stare at doctor the colt turns and walks out. I look at the door as it slams close. It was silence spreading around the dining area.

Doctor looks at me and points to the seat close to him. I sit down staring down at my fore hooves, waiting for what he was going to say. He simply stares at me before getting up he pushes my head up. I look at him with fear swelling in my chest. I close my eyes when he hovers over my scar. My heart thumps in my chest. I hold my breath with wariness. I take a sharp intake of breath as he laps at my scar. The wet feeling on my scar sends a burning sensation straight to my stomach. I lean closer to him loving the feeling. Doctor stops suddenly and moves away slowly I still feel his spittle,still very wet, on my neck. I look at him watching his next move like a hawk. He looks at me then a sinister smile spreads across his face.

"Did you honestly think I have a attractive to you?" He crackles. I feel shame spread over my body.'I should have never trusted him' I think grimly. I look at his pale coat ,that once was a beautiful brown, and sigh. I stand up to walk away from him. My heart weighing heavy in my chest. As I turn to leave Doctor grabs my tail. He yanks it making me fall to the ground. I whimper my tail area throbbing with pain. I look at him with tears trying to escape their strong prison. He calmly walks in front of me.

"From now on you will obey me. I am your master you belong to me. Rule 1: don't try walking away from me" He states. I nod my head. He lowers himself and gets in my face. Doctor pushes his muzzle against me. I try my best to not show pleasure. It works greatly seeing as his eyes flare disappointment. Doctor pushes himself up he glowers for a second before walking back to the head of the table.

Derpy's depression |1st Book|Where stories live. Discover now