Life moves on

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Sorry for late update was my top priority so very sorry

Disclaimer: I do not own Discord whooves


Regular P.O.V

One week later

  Its been a week since that incident and Dinky and Derpy hasn't talk much. Derpy guesses that she scared her with that display that day. So she was going to make up for it.

  "Dinky! Sparkle!" She calls. They were in front of Derpy two seconds later. Dinky looks uncomfortable. This is the day to save all of her mistakes.

  "Dinky I'm sorry for what a said that day. I don't know what came over me so today were going to a festival." Derpy chirps. Dinky's eyes widen before she she looks at her mother.

  "What festival?" Dinky asks. Derpy gets a dreamy face, and a sigh of bliss comes from her lips.

  "Muffins." She smiles and looks at her two kids. Each had a dreamy face on their face, inheriting their mothers love for muffins. Derpy giggles and shakes them from their dreams.

  "Alright were going to the park for it." Derpy walks out the door. She and her kids arrives at the festival and Dinky squeals in delight. Muffins everywhere. Derpy shakes her head and she grabs bits from her bag and gives each filly some bits.

  "Dinky stay with Sparkle and have funny." They both nods and runs off. Derpy smiles softly before going to a bar. She walks to the very back so they drunk colts wouldn't see her. She sits down in a empty booth ready for relaxation.

  "Hello there beautiful mare." A deep, baritone voice says. Derpy turns up to see a handsome blue colt. His fur had a sparkle that looks like the night sky, dark blue eyes. Derpy blushes and fidgets she looks down at the ground.

  "I need a break from parenting." Derpy mumbles. The colt chuckles and takes a seat beside Derpy.

  "My name is Midnight. Yours?" He asks.

  "Derpy." She answers.

  "Okay Derpy why would you come to a bar to relax of all places?" Midnight asks.

  Derpy shrugs "I don't know it looked like a place to clear my head and wrap my head around things." Midnight chuckles and shakes his head. He puts out a wing for her to take. Derpy ,hesitantly, puts her wing over his she walks outside with him, shyly.

  "You need to have fun too." Midnight reasons and he leads her to a booth with a night plan for them.


  They were exhausted by the time reach the house, Dinky was on Sparkles back, snoring, she had to much fun. Sparkle smiles a good night to her mom then she walks to her and Dinky's room. Derpy just stumbles to her room she just flops in bed. The night with Midnight was great. He gave her a meeting spot to go tomorrow.

'Start of something new' Derpy thinks.


  Derpy and Midnight have been dating for a couple of months. Sparkle and Dinky are practically in love with him. So that's why Derpy was on her way to Midnights house. When she arrives she was shock at what she sees. Midnight was kissing another mare. Derpy gasps making Midnight stop and turn towards Derpy with wide eyes. Derpy took no time to stay she spreads her wings and fly out. She flies at lighting speed, faster than Rainbow dash could dream of. Derpy makes it home in record time. She lands softly and runs to her room. She sits and cries. 'Am I not lovable?!' She wonders. She chokes out a few more sobs before hearing Dinky's announcement of arrival. She quickly brushes away her sadness and slaps a smile on for her daughters.


Hope you enjoyed       

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