Plan of the broken hearts

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Hey guys I'm back! So I think this chapter may answer one of your many questions.

Disclaimer: I do not own Discorded Doctor Whooves

Jack's P.O.V

"Hey Jack" The dumb mare, Twilight Sparkle, greets. I give a fake smile and gesture for her to sit down. She smiles softly before sitting down in front of me. She softly sighs and starts shifting around uncomfortably.

"Are you sure?" She finally asks. I look at her shocked. She looks tired, indicating she had stayed up all night. She must be having second thoughts. 'Can't have that she is vital to the plan' I think. I walk to her and press to her side, mentally gagging at my actions. She blinks in surprise and looks at me.

"Yes, I'm sure that after we poison that despicable mare Doctor will have no choice but to love you" I say, soothingly. I mentally snort at my own comment. 'Unless you die of course' I think. She smiles up at me and leans against me. I stop myself from lashing out and killing her. 'Disgusting' Was my only thought. She then moves off me to my relief.

"Thank you for helping me Jack" She says, smiling softly. I smiles back and she turns and walks away. She disappears through the underbrush. Once I was sure she was far away I let an evil smiles spread across my lips. I turn and walk back, thoughts running rampage. 'She won't know what hit her' I think, evilly. I push open the door and trots in.

"Master?" I call to see where he was. A soft snoring tells me he went to sleep. I walk in his room and sit at the door frame. 'He'd be handsome if he hadn't tried to kill me multiple times...then why am I still into Doctor? He tried to shoot me' I muse. I look at the blue earth pony that was named Master. I chew my lip and sigh before walking away. 'He likes that useless mare too' I think. What makes her so special? Only Celestia knows.

I go to my bed and lay down, letting my mind wonder. 'I didn't tell them the side effect of Doctor changing back' I think and smile to myself. I close my eyes and picture that mare lay in pain. 'Soon...'

Twilight's P.O.V

I wonder if my act was convincing enough. I hope it was so when the time comes he won't expect my betrayal. It was quiet easy luring him in. As I walk into my tree house I smile to myself. 'He won't know what hit him when I turn on him. I need to leave no trace of me killing a pony and he is one' I think. I go and lay in my bed mind drifting.

"Soon my love you will be all mine" I say out loud to myself. The Doctor will soon be my Doctor and never to be hers again. She is nothing but a cross-eyed bubble headed mare. I have beauty and fame so he will always come back to me. Always.

Derpy's P.O.V

I wake up tangled in the hooves of a colt. I press to the colt and smile. 'Doctor...' I think. As if Doctor read my thoughts he opens his eyes. They were a mixture of sea blue and Icy blue, Ocean blue. He looks deep in mine before kissing me, deeply. My eyes widens in shock before I kiss back softly. He pulls back and looks at me.

"I love you Derpy " He says, softly. I smile brightly at him and nuzzle his neck.

"I love you too Doctor" I say. My tail lays on his and he smiles. Content was the only word that could describe us. I knew the plan had to be done and soon before he became unreachable. I sigh softly before pressing my lips to his and twisting to my side. Doctor's eyes widens before they slant. He gets a grin on his lips as he kisses back. 'This will be a long night' I think.

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