Mine (Part 1)

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So I have decided at part 20 the sneak peak will be reviled. Hehe so count down till it's 20 >:)

No one's P.O.V

 1 week later

  Derpy's wing has healed but her turmoil has not. She fights with herself every day. The thoughts in her head were not ones that a mother of two fillies should have. She fights with the need to end her life everyday. The soft whispers have turn to shouts out dark desires. Derpy has hidden it well from the Doctor. He hasn't notice a thing. She has seen different scenarios where she takes the Doctor with her. The only thing that has stopped her from doing these things is because if she dies who will care for her fillies. The other thought is if she kills herself will Doctor take out his anger on another unsuspecting mare. 

  Doctor has went back to Twilight's. Derpy knows he does by when he comes back he has her scent on him. That sickening sweet smell that cause him so much happiness. He would always have a satisfy glint in his eyes. Doctor was enjoying himself greatly. Derpy was dying on the inside the thing ponies call a heart is shriveling up inside her. 

Derpy's P.O.V

 He has left again to go see her. I stands and do what I do every time he leaves. I walk to the kitchen I grab a small sharp paring knife. I take off my collar and look at the small nicks I have left on my neck. I once again put the knife up to my neck. I nick my neck again before placing the knife back. I smile at the soft burning feeling that means i'm still alive. I turn and walk back to the room. I lay in my bed and wait to dream. I barely close my eyes before I hear the door open 'That was quick' I say mentally. He walks in and heads straight for me.

  "Your coming with me" He says. I stand and wait for him to put on my leash. All he does is take off my collar he turns and puts a necklace on my neck. He then growls as he gets a better look at my neck.

  "How did these get up here?" He asks. I shrug not ready to tell him how I know i'm alive. He growls before pushing me in front of the mirror. I see that it isn't my usual appearance it is a brown mare with a black mane that has a stripe of blue, and she has blue eyes. I look at Doctor in confusion.

  "Every pony knows you so this is to prevent any...complications" He explains. I nod before walking beside him. He walks me to the TARDIS I get in and sadly think of all the good times. He puts where he wants to go. Once we arrive he looks at me.

  "We are coming so I can see Twilight You are coming is because you need to get out or you might be come lazy" He says. I nod my head. He then turns and starts walking out the TARDIS I follow. We weave through the crowds. Once we arrive at the treehouse I can't help but let my stomach flip when I see him knock. Once it opens it will reveal something that I want dead more than anything. When it does open I was indeed correct on what I see. She stands and smiles at him. She looks at me and jealousy sparks. We walk in her house I go sit on one of her pillows.

   "Doctor who is she?" She asks.

  "It's its the twit just in disguise" He says'

  "Oh" She says, flatly. 'I'm not thrilled either' I mentally say. She walks to me and makes a fake smile.She politely asks if I am hungry or thirsty. I send her off with a well put glare. I know she plans to poison my food or water. She huffs and goes to complain with Doctor. He says something low and she smiles before giggling. They walk up stairs a door closes and I hear talking. After a while the talking stops and all I hear is silence that's until.

  "DOCTOR" I look up at the stairs in disgust. I get up and walk out the door. My heart shrivels another inch. I walk into the market zone. It was busy and bustling with ponies. I walk around and find a nice clear stop. I sit on the grass and watch two birds fight over a worm. I then look at my wing it was out of it's bandage. The disguise covers the featherless parts. I open my wings I start by just hovering at first. I float around letting my wings get use to flying again. After I know that I could fly. I gain altitude. Once I was a good ways up. I close my wings. I drop like a rock in a river. I shot to the ground once I am almost close to hitting my body on the ground I open my wings and swoop up. I twirl on the way up. I do something I haven't done in a long time. I laugh in glee. Not sadness, anger or hate in glee. 

  The wind blowing back my mane gives me a thrill. I fly as high as I can go I give another twirl. I smile as I see just how small we all were. I then close my wings. I give a whoop of happiness. The wind hits my face harshly making my eyes water. I thrust one hoof out in front of me. I slowly start twirling before I was spinning at a fast speed. As I almost hit the ground I open my wings, I tilt them upwards so my wings won't break. I swoop up at a thrilling speed. "Wheee!" I yell. I slowly down and swoop down and land. I huff and puff with happiness. I lay down in the clearing. my head drops and I slowly doze. My doze is broken by a crunch of somepony coming towards me. 

  "You are such a stupid mare" A female voice says. I turn and see Twilight her mane was mussed up. I stare at her with disgust pushing in my stomach.

  "How so?" I ask. She stands in front of me her eyes anger.

  "You really think he loves you?" She asks.

  "No, but I do know that he only wants you to itch his scratch" I sneer. She looks at me before I know it she has slap me across the face. I fall to the ground and slide a bit. She looks at me with a happy expression. I stand and growl I was about to attack her when I see Doctor in my eyes. So I sit and drop my head.

 "Oh are you weak?" She asks, mockingly. She uses her magic to lift me in the air and slam me in the ground. I give a choke cry. She laughs and slams me in a tree. She then drops me on the ground. I struggle but I stand. I wobble but stay up. I look up at her and watch as she runs forward and bucks me in the chest. I fly back and hit my head on a rock. She pins me down and starts laying loads of blows on my face. After she is satisfied that I am thoroughly beaten she gets off me. When she stands back she spits on me. 

  "Pathetic I don't know why the Doctor wants you around" She says.

  "It's because she is mine" A voice says.  Doctor walks out glaring at Twilight. 

Derpy's depression |1st Book|Where stories live. Discover now