Wrath of hate

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Hey guys back i'm sorry for my long hiatus...It just been stressful i'm not going in depth but i hope you can all forgive me. So I will give you a long part!

Derpy's P.O.V

I wake again and sigh the wounds ache all over. I stand and gasp at the pain that shoot at me all at once. It rages like a war before settling down to a throbbing pain. I pant and sigh from all the power I used for a once simple task. I grit my teeth and take a step forward. The feeling of a thousand hay pricks assaults me. I continue stepping slowly coming accustomed to the pricks. I look around my room and sit down. I think its time to bathe. My bathroom was too small for my body to even fit in. I tug on my doorknob and gasp when it opens. I smile and walk down the hallway. I sniff the air trying to locate a clean scent over the damp dirty scent. I smell a soft scent of it. I follow it and it slowly becomes stronger. I stand in front of a door and take a deep sniff the clean smell was emitting from this door. I take a breath and hope to Celestia that this door is in fact the door I need. I push open the door and trot in. My jaw drop to the ground as I see the bathroom. It was huge.

The tub was big enough to hold three full grown colts, the mirror was a body size mirror, the counter had two sinks along with two mirrors hanging above them, and the toilet was like a giant. I smile and trot to the tub. I turn it to as hot as I could stand it. I step in and soak. The feeling of all the dirt flowing off me was soothing. I practically purr in bliss. The heat works out all my tense muscles. I slip under the water and let my mind wonder. 'He has gone too far this time' I think bitterly 'It's time to stop forgiving so easily' I shift in the water. I let my head rest on the back of the tub that had a slight up rise ramp. 'I guess the main question is what now?'

Doctor's P.O.V

The bright sunlight was what woke me up. My lips were sticky from the wine I had drank last night. I lick my lips and almost gag at the sour taste from the wine. I move and find out I can not move. My hooves were tangled in sheets and around a certain Alicorn. She in turn had a content smile in her sleep. Her mane was a tangle mess and her fur was ruffles. I grin at my work and let my pride well in my chest. I softly untangle myself from the situation and stand. My whole body was in a jelly like state after my events last night. I smile darkly. After I dress in my bow tie I leave a note for the Alicorn. I leave with a small dark smile. I walk down the street towards where I hid the tardis. I get in it and program it to where I needed to go.

My dark smile slips from my face and a snarl replaces it. I remember where i'm going. I'm going back to the twit. She claims she hates me that's fine the feeling is mutually. I snap back into my regular hate for that traitor. She left me what did she expect me to be a hero? placing my life on the line for wastes of skin that don't even acknowledge that I save them...what I used to be is sickening. I was a pathetic, colt who thought he can save everyone. HA! finally my eyes are open what took so long only celestia knows. I finish grousing around my head when tardis lands. I give a hate filled growl before pushing forward out of the door. Each step I took made me want to kill everything I see. 'She's here I could hurt her, kill her, anything I want the question is what now?'

No one's P.O.V

Derpy's eyes widen as she hears the door downstairs slam shut. She was preening her wings in the bathroom. She was almost done but the chocking urge to run was speeding up her heart. She calms it down and reasons that he doesn't even know she is up and moving. Also that he will most likely will just stay in his room. She was wrong,dead wrong. The hoof steps didn't fade away in fact they grew louder. Derpy's heart races and fear claws at her lithe body. She gulps in air only to lose it from her breathing so hard. She moves slowly to a corner in the room. The hooves stop in front of the door. Her breath catches in her throat. The door slowly opens and in the door is the colt she was trying to hide from shows himself. Her heart jumps in her throat. He looks down his muzzle in disgust. "and" He draws out the 'd' sound "What do you think your doing?" He all but snarls. I flinch and bravely stand up.

"Taking a bath" My voice comes out weak but I stand my ground. He looks slightly amaze that I stood up to him. He walks closer to me and stops at my ear. His hot breath makes my ears twitch uncontrollably. He stays there for at least 3 whole seconds before he does something.

"Well let me help" He grabs the scruff of my neck and slams me into the tub. He turns on the water to scolding hot. I give a screech of pain and try to climb out of the tub. Doctor jumps on top of me and pins me down. He lifts a hoof and slams it into my nose. I give a cry of pain and whimper. Doctor cocks his head back and gives a laugh. The water was drenching my wings. It burned but was now dulling. The blood pounds in my ears. Tears well in my eyes. The hate for him swells yet I can't show it. Doctor loves the look of fear and hate swirling on her face.

"If you do what I say I will let you up" He says, darkly. Derpy's eyes look at him and nods. The blood on her nose trickles down into the boiling hot water. He leans down and whispers in her ear. "Kiss me". Derpy's eye narrow and she thinks that maybe if she died she wouldn't have to live through all the pain. Then flashes of her two filly's and her cousin come in her head. She looks at the Doctor as the water slowly covers her face. He was watching for and answer. She does what she needs to she raises her head and pushes her lips to the Doctor's. The Doctor smirks against her lips and she cringes. She moves back but the Doctor won't allow that. He maneuvers her against the tub wall. Her hate was pooling in her belly. Derpy no longer responds to the kiss and Doctor grows anger. He bits Derpy's bottom lip hard. She gives a yelp of pain. Doctor gets into her mouth and tries to get her to respond.

Derpy doesn't respond which frustrates the Doctor. His frustration turns into anger. He gets her tongue in his mouth and bits it. Derpy whimpers and softly pulls her body away. Doctor lets go and and smiles.

"This will be less painful if you cooperate" He breaths in her ears. Derpy glares at the Doctor and starts to struggle. Doctor growls and tries to hold down the struggling mare. Derpy growls she slams her hooves into Doctors chest. She effectively makes Doctor fly back and gives her room to run she climbs out of the tub and struggles to the door. The burn of the water slowing her down. Doctor gets up and looks at her. He climbs from the almost over filling tub. He looks at the tub and he turns off the faucet. His eyes then flash as he approaches the slow moving mare. She looks up at him in anger and spits blood at his hooves. Derpy is returned with a flip to her back and slam to the side of the tub. Doctor slowly walks over to the mare. He glares at her. Derpy's face was twisted in pain. Doctor stands over her and smirks down at her. He presses her lips to Derpy's bloodied mouth. The taste of metal drove him insane.

He backs up and looks at his handy work. He sneers as Derpy opens her eyes. Her yellow eyes water and she stands her whole body sags. She sways up to the doctor and slams her lips to his. She then sways out of the bathroom with one last glare she disappears into the dark. Doctor glares and hates that she was still moving. He follows her out and calls out a command to the yellow colt.

"Clean up the bath" He says then walks away when he reachs his room he coughs up blood. The hit Derpy dealt was a bad one. Its time to show her just how much he hates her

Derpy's depression |1st Book|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara