The start

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So I made grammar corrections and other things. So yeah enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Discored Whooves


"I WOULD RATHER BEAT OUT YOUR VOICE BOX THEN LISTEN TO YOUR WHINING!" Doctor Whooves yells, lifting his hoof to hit Derpy, when he was hit in the head with a brick."What the heck?!"He exclaims, shock. There stood Dinky with a mad expression.

"You will not hurt my mother." She growls. Doctor laughs at her in mockery.

"And what makes you think you can stop me brat?!" He asks, laughing. Dinky looks hurt by his words before a determine look replaces the look.

"THIS!" She bellows shooting a load of bricks at him. She lifts him in the air with her magic and slams him into a tree earning a snap. She raises a shovel planning to kill him. When he sees the shovel he whimpers, pupils shrinking.

"W-Wait." He pleads.

"I'm sure that's what she said." Dinky growls. As the shovel was speeding towards Doctor he closes his eyes. A gust of wind made him open them. His eyes widen to saucers when he saw what the gust of wind was. Derpy stood with one of her wings bend in mid-swipe the other was flared out. Her once sad face was now her baring her teeth and growling. She stood in front him facing her youngest daughter.

"Mother why did you stop it?!" Dinky yells, clearly mad her prey was saved. When you stare at the gray mare you could see she was shaking, not in sadness in anger.

"What do you think you were doing Dinky!?"Derpy snarled, shocking them that her soft and high voice is now very low and loud, but Dinky was not a filly to back down.

"I was ridding us of scum."She answered matter-of-factly

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TRY AND KILL PONY'S BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DID!"Derpy screams. They cringes Derpy's voice was loud and full with venom.

"But m-mama he h-"Dinky starts. They watches as Derpy lowers her wings and walks forward to her youngest. Her expression blank her youngest shook along with her oldest. When she was in front of her daughter she looks down at Dinky.

"If I hear you say what has came out of your muzzle I will spank you got it?" Dinky nods her head fast. Derpy nods and starts walking away from the scene. Doctor feels slight anger that he had the very mare he was trying to harm protect him.

"Why did you help me I could-"He starts.

"I did no such thing I only saved my daughter from going to prison for pony slaughter you just happen to be the victim"Derpy states."Dinky,sparkle lets go" They rush to catch up with there mother, leaving a dumbfound doctor thinking.

'What happened to the sweet and innocent Derpy?'

Derpy's depression |1st Book|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें