And it gets worse

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Hey so I'm glad i was able to update for you now onward.

Disclaimer: I do not own Discorded whooves


Regular P.O.V

Derpy has been avoiding Midnight. He comes every night to plead for forgiveness. Its wearing Derpy's brain and heart. She he was only a player and was waiting to take advantage of her. She knew this but her heart yearns for someone to fill the gaping hole. But this, she knew, she needs to fix.

9:00 pm

"Derpy please! I'm sorry please forgive me!" Midnight screams. Derpy quickly trots to the door and opens it. She walks to where Midnight is yelling.

"Midnight. Leave. My fillies are sleeping and you are waking them up." Derpy hisses. Midnight turns to Derpy and smiles, sadly. He makes himself seem sad and broken without her. 'She will be absolutely fun to play with.' He thinks.

"Derpy please believe me. I want you not her." He says, making his voice seem sincere. Derpy shakes her head, mane ruffling in the wind. Derpy sighs 'How can I get him off my back?' She wonders.

"Fine can we settle this in the cupcake cafe?" Derpy asks. Midnight's face lit up and he, enthusiastically, nods his head. Derpy sighs in relief, mentally. 'Problem finally solved.' Derpy thinks in triumph. Derpy nods her head to Midnight and walks back into her home. She spreads her wings and flies to her room. 'Big day tomorrow'  She thinks.
~~~~~~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom wake up" Sparkle's voice said. Derpy opened her eyes and blinks. She gives a yawn and rolls to look at the time on the clock. She see printed in big red letter 7:50. 'Mm 7:50.. 7:50?!' She thinks in panic and shock. Derpy shot up and runs to the kitchen. She grabs some oats and eats quickly.

"Okay Sparkle, Dinky lets go!" Derpy yells. She waits for them outside, once outside she walks them to the school, kissing them good-bye when they get to the school. She runs to the cupcake cafe, when arriving at the cafe she sees Midnight ready to leave.

"Wait, wait, I'm here." Derpy pants out. Midnight's ears perks up, he smiles.

"I thought you bailed on me." He chuckles. Derpy just nods and sits down. She orders a blueberry muffin and turns to Midnight as a signal to go ahead.

"Derpy what you saw was nothing. She forced herself upon me I sorry you saw that." His head sags in a mockery of shame. Derpy shakes her head.

"I forgive you.." She said. Midnight hides his smirk, skillfully. He stands and goes to Derpy, goes for a kiss. Before he could Derpy's hoof stops him and she points to his seat. He blinks, confuse, before obeying and sitting. Once Derpy was certain he was done with his fake enthusiasm she speaks.

"But I will not date you again." Derpy says, voice strong. She sees his jaw drop in shock and disbelief. She was the first to reject him. As Derpy stands and leaves she feeling the eyes of burning rage. She only stops feeling them when she walks out the cafe into the street, spreading her wings to fly to her job. She lands and walks to inside the mail place, grabbing her mail and mail bag she was off. Her first stop: Rainbow Dash. She drops the mail in the mailbox, going to fly away to her next stop when a voice stopped her.

"Hey derps long time no see." The voice said. Only one pony calls her derps.

"Hey Rainbow Dash." Derpy greets, meekly. Rainbow Dash smiles at her cousin and flies to her.

"How's the day treating you?" She asks. Derpy just let her shoulders sag and looks away from Rainbow Dash. 

"Could be better." Derpy mutters. She then spreads her wings and flies to her next stop, leaving a very confused Rainbow Dash.

~~~~~~~~~~FEW DAYS AFTER~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Derpy is on her way to her job. When she arrives cold glares are shot at her. She walks to go to her bag only to be called by the manager. She goes to the manager, confuse. 'What did I do? I haven't mixed up the mail. I haven't drop a box on someones head so what is it?' She thinks, frantically.

"What were you thinking?!"Her manager screams.

"W-What are you talking about?" Derpy asks. The manager stomps to a her desk grabbing a newspaper she threw it in front of Derpy. It shows Derpy doing disturbing things in the mail office. Derpy was confused and read the article.

              "Cross eyed idiot
A fellow pony named Midnight was flying by when he saw this disturbing sight. He had a camera with him and took these photos. We are here to tell you stay away from this sexual more page 13."

Tears come down Derpy's face when she had finish the newspaper. She knew she didn't do any of this she was at home. She skim the article again and sees a name she now dreads.

"Midnight.." She mumbles. She looks at the photos, more tears stream.

"This wasn't me." She says. Her manager's lip curls in a snarl and hisses. 

"Derpy Hooves you are fired!" The manger barks out. Derpy cowers and scampers out of the building, tears streams down her face and whips in the air. As she flies through the city she hears insults and horrible comments. As she dodges another rock she slams into a hard chest. She looks up to see Rainbow dash. Rainbow dash looks at her bruises and cuts then at the ponies.

"The next pony to throw a rock i will personally deal with you!" Rainbow dash yells. All ponies cowers but still glares at the framed pony. Rainbow dash leads Derpy to her home.

"Derpy what have you done." She says, shocked.

"It wasn't me!" Derpy protests.

"Derpy its clearly you in the photo just fess up!" Rainbowdash exclaims, irritated. Derpy opens her mouth to shout back she stops short, ears drooping. She spreads her wings and trots to the door.

"Out of all ponies it was you Rainbowdash that i would think you believe me." She states, coldly. Derpy flies out of the house with speed from her pain and sadness. 'What am I going to do now? I have no job how will I take care of the girls?' She thinks. She arrives home in the right time. Dinky and Sparkle were walking up the driveway . Derpy smiles and walks to them.

"Hey girls how was school?"Derpy chirps. The fillies stare at their mother, eyes cold. Derpy gasps as she finally takes in their appearance. Dinky has a bloody lip, a small patch of fur missing on her back and she is walking heavily on one hoof. Sparkle is worst her mane is cut, jagged, her horns has scratches as well, her sides are cover in bruises, her tail is ruffled and her cutie mark has a cut on it.

"What happened to you?" Derpy frets.

"You happen." Dinky states, coldly. Derpy recoils and shakily lets out a breath.

"W-What do you mean?" Derpy asks, softly.

"Your fiasco on the newspaper got around mother they took out their anger on us." Sparkle voice hold anger.

"Girls I'm sorry I'll fix it." Derpy reassures.

"You can't fix it you are only a bubble headed cross eyed mare who I hate to call mother! I wish you were dead!" Dinky yells. Derpy drops her head she opens her wings.

"Your right. I just want you to know I love you. Good bye girls" Derpy whispers, tears drips down her face. Dinky and Sparkles faces lose all anger.

"Wait mama were sorry." Dinky says, eyes wide and fill to the brim with guilt as was Sparkles. They were too late Derpy was airborne. Derpy flies to a forest and sits down. She goes in her wings and found her knife. She had kept it just in case life became to much. She slowly points it at her neck.

"Good bye equestria." She whispers, then plunges the tip into her neck.


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