What I harbor

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I will be updating again today so watch out!

No one's P.O.V

  Derpy was curled up in a ball in her bed. She was peacefully having another dreamless sleep. Doctor was in his bed reading a book by Twilight. He hasn't seen her lately and he has to say she is a worry wart. She sends messages everyday asking if he was okay. He, of course, declines any visit or meeting up place. He had to make sure that Derpy knew her place and wouldn't forget it. Yesterday was a reminder that she does still have something in her. Doctor growls why was it so hard to break a useless pony? He glares at the mare. He remembers clearly the rage when he saw the colts looking at her in hunger. He didn't understand why he felt the need to fight every colt looking at her. 

  He grinds his teeth. He hates this mare so why is his feeling towards her so jumpy? He didn't know but the mere thought of giving her up to that colt burn him alive. He wanted to rip the colts head off and smash anything in that small pea brain. Doctor sneers at the sleeping mare. 'I have twilight' He reasons with himself.  He sighs the book he is reading soon becoming boring. He places it on his night stand. He lays his head down. 

Derpy's P.O.V

 The birds twitter and the sun shines bright in my eyes. I slowly open them quickly closing them from the bright light. I open them again blinking my eyes to get use to the new light. I look towards Doctors bed and see that he was still sleeping. That was actually very uncommon seeing as he is usually is up before me. I stand and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror my gray coat was a little duller, My eyes were a soft yellow not the bright yellow they used to be. I sigh I start to preen my wings they were in bad shape with out preening. As I finish preening I hear rustling in the room. I sigh and wait for him to come in the bathroom. The door opens and the Doctor shows his face. I blankly stare at him. 

  "Getting up early I see" He comments. He walks to me and examines my work on my wings. 

  "Preen me" He says simply. I look at him before walking to him. He sits and turns around. I start with his left wing. It was a slow process seeing as he didn't preen himself too good. I sigh as the comb gets stuck in his wing. I softly manually separate the feathers. After the left wing was done I quickly finish off the right. After I was finish I step back so he knows that i'm finish. He stands and looks at his wings. He stretches them to their full length. I can't help but gape at his wing span. It was a quite magnificent. His wings could compete with Princess Celestia's. He closes his wings. 

  "Come here" He says. I walk to him standing in front of him. He opens his wings again and covers us in them. I look at him my emotions now lock away. He presses his body against mine. I can see he was trying to get a spark out of me.

  "Yesterday you spoke" He says. My mind realizes that I did indeed speak I look at him ready for my punishment. He looks at me before hitting my nose. I stumble back out of his wings. As I fall to the ground he stands over me. I wait for the second hit. It shocks me when he starts lapping at my nose blood. He then walks away leaving me confuse.  He returns and looks at me.

  "Get to your bed pet" I follow his orders and lay down. 

Doctor's P.O.V

  I need to see twilight. Me staying with this mare is killing my brain cells and rupturing my emotions. I lock the bathroom door as I start to wash. After I finish I get out and look at her. She was blankly staring at me with no interest. I dress the best I can before walking out the room.

  "I'm leaving don't do anything stupid pet" I say. She nods. I leave and go to Twilight's.  When I arrive I see that she was busy. The mare six are in the tree house. I watch as Twilight was glaring at each pony all who drop their head in shame. She sees me through the window. I shake my head to let her know that she was fine. Her eyes held guilt before she went back to glaring back at the a mare six. I walk back to the tardis. I warp back to the house. As I enter I expect to see the twit gone from her spot some where in the house hiding.

  When I enter my room i'm shock to see that she hasn't move a inch since I have left. She was curl up in a tight ball. When she hears me enter her ears prick up and she turns. She looks like a dog who is happy to see their master back. The only difference is that she still has her blank face. I walk to my bed I grab my book on the way to my bed. She watches me before she lays her head back down. I swear I saw disappointment in her eyes. She shifts a little before everything is still. I guess you can say I was content with this scene. I try to find something to yell or hit her for only to come up short. 

  "C-" I start my sentence but close my mouth. She lifts her head lazily and focus her blank eyes on me. I turn my head with a soft shake of my head. She continues to watch me as if she is ready for me to pounce. I turn to her and lock my eyes with her. I look deep into her eyes searching for any emotions. She breaks eye contact by turning away and tucking her nose under her hoof. I growl a bit as I feel disappointment pushes in my mind. I turn from her and fall into a light sleep. I wake up to a ring of the doorbell. I get up and walk up to the door. I open the door and my eyes widen at who was in front of me.


Derpy's depression |1st Book|Where stories live. Discover now