Flowing regularly

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Hey yes i'm back early. It's just for you guys seeing that I love this story the most too. Shhh don't tell the others. Anyway enjoy.

No ones P.O.V

  Derpy was struggling to move in her room. Her mouth shot a sharp pain each time she breathed. Her wings had feathers missing in some places, fur gone on her back along her spine, and her hooves were aching from that hard blow she dealt to Doctor. She was on the floor with rasping breaths. Doctor was fairing better but not too great. He has burns on his hooves, his chest rattles each time he breaths, and one of his wings were broken. All she did was push him and all these things happened. He in fact slammed into the faucet when she pushed him effectively breaking his wing. He was stuck on his bed. The yellow colt was fixing up his wounds. 

  "You shouldn't have done this" The colt says softly.

  "And do tell why not? I have brought her here just to torture her so why not hurt her hmm?" The Doctor asks.

  "She will want to die more now and then when she succeeds you will have no play toy" The colt says. Doctor thinks over his words before making a response.

  "She will not allow herself to die" The colt paused to hear his reasoning" Today as I was about to leave her to drown unless she kissed me I saw her think about it" Doctor smiles "She kissed me because of the need to see her family" Doctor smugly finishes. The colt thought for a second and nods.  After he finishes dressing Doctor's wounds he stands and walks out. Doctor voice stops him.

  "Dress her wounds too" The colt stops in shock before he nods and heads towards the mares room. He doesn't even knock seeing as he doubt she can move. The blood in the bathroom was enough to tell him. He was correct as he walks in and sees her writhing on the floor. He places the first aid kit on the floor and pulls out the burn salve. He has seen worst. He uses his horn and places the salve on the places the burn marks took fur or feathers. Derpy visible calms down. He examines her. He finds that her tongue will need medicine, her lip needs stitches, one of her hooves were broken, and she would need throat medicine from her screaming from pain. He places a sleeping spell on her. She falls into a trouble sleep. He starts by reapplying the burn salve then wrapping the places in bandages. He looks at her hoof and places it in place before placing a boot on it. He moves quickly yet effectively. Once he finishes he starts cleaning up her floor.After he is finish he leaves with the only trace of him being the bandages.  

Doctor's P.O.V

  I fall into a very horrible sleep. 


  I see Twilight smiling at me. She walks to me and sits in front of me. I lean forward to kiss her when she changes. I yelp at the mare who takes her place. There sits Derpy she was barely breathing and looks at me with a 'do it' look. I smile ready to finish her when I stop. I couldn't kill her. She was waiting but when she notices my reluctance she reaches into her wing. Out she pulls a knife she throws it at his hooves.

  "Kill me" Her voice holds sadness and grief. I looks at the knife and her. I kick away the knife an rush to her. I lick her ear and whisper comforting words. Inside my head I rage wondering why I didn't finish her. Derpy sobs in my fur saying how much she wants to die. I just hold her and listen, unwillingly, to her. I was about to push her away when I hear a slurp of flesh being slice into. I move back and see that a knife is sticking out my back. I look at Derpy to see her eyes black with no pupils.

  "HAHA! Pathetic, weak you honestly think I would allow you to live after all you have done?" She asks. Her voice is double with a deeper more sinister voice, black dots dip around my vision. I see her cock back her head and give a maniacal laugh. She looks at me. I feel a thick liquid flood my hooves,

  "Goodbye, Doctor" She says. I black out never to wake up again.

Dream end

  I wake up sweating buckets. There was no chance she can kill me right? She doesn't have the guts. I sigh and growl remembering the beginning. If it was real I would have finished what was started. I get out my bed and think about my dream. It couldn't be a vision. It was a silly dream that I conjure up after seeing her actually going against me. I growl and believe it is time I see this twit. I walk out of my room and see that it was night I shrug why should I care about her sleeping? I pick up my pace and arrive her door. I burst in ready to watch her scream in fear. I only get snores and sometimes whimpers. She was in the middle of the room. She has her pillow on her along with her blanket. I sneer she needs to acknowledge me. I rip the blanket off and none too gently slam my hoof on her boot.

Derpy's P.O.V

   I wake up to a hit in my broken hoof. I jolt up and look around while holding back my scream of pain. I see a shadow figure in front of me. I quickly back up not trying to focus on the pain that is shooting in my body. I shake and hope that Doctor can hear me move around in my room. 'Why would he care for you?' My mind sneers. 

  "S-Stay back or else Doctor will hurt you" I weakly threaten. The figure chuckles and walks forward.

  "it's flattering that you use me as a threat" The figure steps into the moonlight and shows the Doctor. I glare and turn around. His bandages gave him a handsome bad colt look. He walks up to me. I can't control the shiver of fear that swarms me. I was at his mercy I can't fight back. He hovers over me and smiles sinister.

  "We didn't finish what I started" He says. I shiver hard this time if he means the kiss I refuse to do it. He leans down and licks my ear.

  "I don't want this" I whispers.

  "I don't care" Doctor whispers back. Tears well in my eyes as he sniffs my bandages from our fight. He stops at my plod where my cutie mark resides. He stiffens and looks at it longer. I twist slowly around and see what was the problem. My usual bubbles now have a red streak that has a small hour glass. I gasp and sit up. I look at it in shock. I forget who was actually in my room. I look at him as rage fills me.

  "You did this!" I roar. I launch at him making him fall back. I raise a hoof and slam it across his face. I use my boot to make it hurt more. He wastes no time to kick me off him. I slam into the wall under my window. My already burned spine gave a sharp pain of protest. I stand and charge back at him. I turn at the last moment and buck him in the face. He flies and slams into my bed post. I watch as he struggles to stand. When he does he opens his eyes. I see a burning hatred along with a icy glare. We charge at the same time. I notice too late that he already has a plan. As I raise on my hind legs ready to slam down. He tackles my hind legs throwing me off balance making me fall. I lay on my back daze from the attack. He pins me down i'm too weak to fight back. So I just lay there.

  "You piece of trash" He growls. His body shook with hate. He leans his whole body down. "I will not allow you to continue to disobey me" He sneers. I glare at him only to see his hoof raise he slams it into my still healing nose. I give a scream of pain. He smiles and gets off me. He leans down to lap at my bleeding nose. I shiver and shake in fear. I was now entirely to his mercy that tousle place me in a worst position than before. 

  "You know before you betrayed me I saw you as a beautiful mare" He says. I look up at him in shock. Doctor just confessed that he saw me as a beaut. I look at him and see for a split second his beautiful brown coat. It went pale again. He leans down looking me in my eyes. 

  "But now I have Twilight she exceeds you all together" He adds. I close my eyes as I feel my heart snap in two. I allow what I didn't let fully consume me. Hate.

  "Really?Because midnight was more of a colt than you will ever be" I sneer back. Doctor looks at me and laughs.

  "You mean the colt who did this to you? He is a wimp he cried when he was caught" Doctor says. I glare at him hate flowing move regularly. It feels like I was finally release from a powerful spell. I hate him. 

  "I hate you " I growl 

  "As do I, but it's time a break your will" Thats was his last words before he leaves my room locking the door on his way out. 

Derpy's depression |1st Book|Where stories live. Discover now