I killed

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 Hey your comments pumps me to write this frequently. It I love everyone of you guys so here is yet another Derpy's Depression chappy.

Doctor's P.O.V

  It was quiet easy to bend and break her. I hit her weak spot with enough force to cripple what will she had. It is funny seeing her ready to attack me but the thought of her offspring comes in her head. I actually feel sorry for those fillies. Ah who cares? I have a new pet. I watch from my bed as she eats from her bowl. Her collar shift softly making her wince. I made the collar tight for a reason. When she finishes eating she walks to lay back in her bed. She has been a good pet. She so far hasn't disobey me once. I give a whistle alerting her to come here. She clambers out of her bed and walks towards me. 

  "When is the last time you cleaned yourself you filthy rat" I test her. See animals aren't supposed to talk so if she talks she gets punished. She just stares at me like a good pet. I nod and beckon for her to follow me. I walk into my bathroom. She follows sitting behind me. I turn on the water to warm, don't want to burn her. After I unlatch the collar. She starts to struggle it must hurt. I give her my dominant growl warning her. She stops struggling and tries to sit still. I pull off the collar and see that her neck was red and pulsing. I sigh at the blood that drips onto the floor. I push her to the tub. She silently steps in the water. I go and call for the yellow colt named, Sundawn. 

  "Get the bandages also her leash" He nods. I gets a shampoo and start to wash her. She shows no acknowledge that she knows where she is. She looks up at me once during her bath and its when she had to lift her head so I could clean up her neck. It seems the collar bit into her neck so when ever she moves of shifts the collar it would rub her neck raw. After I finish bathing her I let her out the tub. She sits in the middle of the room her head bow, tail drooping. I grab a towel and dry her off. After she was dry I simply bandage her neck. She looks at me again this time I see emotions stir in her blank eyes. Hate, grief, and sadness were in them.

Derpy's P.O.V

  I obey him with no second thoughts. Its hard to think for yourself when all you have is a broken soul and will. I allow him to beat me, punish me, and berate me. I learn to just push out all the things he says and pretend to be a mindless pony. As he cleans me I feel the pain and filth disappear down the drain together. When he was drying me I look at him and allow my emotions float in my eyes. He stares at me for a heartbeat longer before returning back to bandaging my neck. Once her was finish he leaves the room for something. He returns with a clean and new collar it was bigger to my relief. He puts it on and sprays me with a perfume. I gag a little when it gets in my mouth. Afterwards her comes in with a leash. He hooks it up to my collar. He pulls me roughly I yelp the collar slams against my neck. I give a soft growl before following him. He pulls me to the front door. 

  Before I know it we were outside. I walk beside him with a belly filled with happiness. I look at him only to see him glaring in a direction in front of me. I turn and look to see many ponies in front of us. I take it for a convention. Its until I see their cutie marks knifes,blood. I shiver and look at the Doctor again my fear gripping me. He continues walking forward as if he doesn't see the ponies. When we were about to enter the swarm of them they all turn. I stop as does Doctor.

  "What do you two puny ponies think you are doing?" A big blue pony asks. I shiver because his cutie mark has a knife with blood splatters. He himself has had scars littering his body like art. Doctor moves forward a bit but when I move to follow he glares at me. I stay where I am hoping he would get hurt so I could run. 

  "We are simply on a walk" Doctor says.

  "Well you are on the sharp pines turf so we will decide what you are going to do" The same blue colt says. I watch as he lifts himself a bit more and looks over Doctors head to me. Our eyes lock and I glare at him. He was the same colors at midnight. 

  "You have a nice piece of meat over there" The colt says "Mind handing her over your life will be spared". My blood runs cold as I know what the Doctor will say 'He will hand you over' My mind says. 'you mean nothing to him'. My mind races as I see my daughters, rainbow dash, and the Doctor the real Doctor. I look at the Doctor who has not utter a word. I brace myself for the salvage rips of the colts who stare at me in a hungry daze. 

  "No" Doctor says. My mind stops momentarily and I look at him. I see disgust clear on his face. "She is mine" He says. I feel a shiver rack my body at the possessive tone to the claim. The colt walks forward to me and presses his face into Doctors.

  "Then you and she will die" The group surrounds us. I can't help but press to Doctor as one colt snaps his jaws at my plod. Doctor looks at me in hate I look at him with tears in my eyes. I hate this colt to my very core, but if this is my last moment on this earth I rather die in sadness not hatred. Doctor eyes sudden become protective when a colt grabs my leg. I scream and fall to the ground. In a quick flash of brown the pull on my leg was gone and the colt was dead. I look up as a shadow falls over me. The doctor has his sonic screwdriver. It was clamped tightly in his jaws. His eyes were a wild place now.

  "Don't touch what is mine" His growl muffled slightly by the screwdriver. I run and dive under doctor belly. He places his hooves around me more securely before giving a cold glare at any colt who dare come closer. He reaches to my neck unhooking my leash. The big blue colt steps forward.

  "Back up boys I will handle this want to be bad colt" He charges Doctor I stay frozen to the ground as he slams Doctor into a wall. I look up and see the colt laughing at the Doctors pain. The Doctor stands and snarls. He runs forward taking the colt off guard. He gives a barrage of blows to the colts face. The colt suddenly slams his head into Doctor stomach. He falls and slides in front of me. The colt once again laughs at the fallen Doctor. I then see Midnight laughing at me. I stand all laughter ceases as they see me stand. In a flash I am in front of the colt he looks at me in a curious way.

  "You will pay" Was my soft thing. I stand up on my hind legs. I slam both hooves into his head. After he falls. I take a hold of his throat. I clamp down till I hear a crack. I move back and see the colt jerking around. I turn to all the colts who were moving forward ready to kill me. I wait for them to kill me I will finally be release. I gasp as a brown colt is in front of me. 

  "Touch her and die" Came the growl. They stop stepping towards me and back off. I don't understand why until I see that Doctor has a gun in his hoof. They clear away for us. Doctor hooks up my leash and walks me back to the house. Once we arrive in his room Doctor turns to me. 

  "You are a filthy mare" I look down and see blood in my coat. I look back up at him and will myself to do one last thing before I fall back in to the dark abyss.

  "Where do you think I get it from?" I say. I walk to my bed only for Doctor to block my path. He walks forward. Once he was in front of me he glares hard at me.

  "Take a bath and clean yourself up" He then walks out the room. I go and clean myself up when I walk back out. Doctor is in his bed. I walk to mine I curl up tears try to break out. I killed a colt. 

Derpy's depression |1st Book|Where stories live. Discover now