New enemy

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So I will say yes Derpy is a timelord now or timequeen who cares. But yes she is now like Doctor. Now enjoy!

Derpy's P.O.V

  Doctor slams it in and laughs at my shock look. He laughs harder as I try to plan how to get him out. Finally I see his flaw. I double jump and smile.

  "King me!" I cheer. Doctor has been trying to see just how much I change. I have gotten smarter. My knowledge of time has grow too. Doctor is quite please with my change. He has went as far as to allow me to have my own mind. He calls me by my name too. I am seeing the kind side that I was sure he lost. Doctor says the lust I feel for him and only him is because it was his blood that change me. I have been itching to do...things to the Doctor but I hold it back. I feel my sanity slowly coming to me. Doctor glares at me. He grumbles as he kings me. I smirk it's his fault that he turn me. Doctor stands up from our checker game and walks up to me. My heart pounds.

  "You look so beautiful" He whispers. I smile at him. I shyly look up at him from under my eyelashes. He presses close to me. I take in his scent. I look up and see that his eyes were a ocean blue.  I have seen those eyes more often. I for once am having a happy life. He kisses me. I kiss back. We press closer and I feel pleasure flood my system. I was about to break apart from him when. BOOM! I was thrown back from a explosion. I fly and hit a wall. I fall to the ground. Debris and dust was the only thing that could be seen. I cough and hack. Once the smoke clears I see Doctor and another colt facing off. He has blue fur, A red bow tie and a blonde mane and tail. His cutie mark is the same as Doctors except with drums. 

  "Master, leave" Doctor commands. The colt name Master ignores the Doctor and looks towards me. He walks around the Doctor and comes to me. He looks me over before smiling. His sharp teeth throw off his somewhat handsome look. I hear Doctor growl low in his throat. 

  "What a beautiful mare you have here" Master says. 

  "Yes and she's mine so back off" Doctor counters. I can see that he was resisting to attack this colt.

  "Why be so selfish? We could share her" His eyes hold dark desires. I blush and back up. I want nothing to do with this colt. I look at Doctor. His eyes are flashing. So I take refuge with my new smarts. 

  "Quite frankly I am his because I have his blood in my body. You on the other hand have nothing on me. Also you are not my type" I say. The colt stops advancing and looks at me.

  "It speaks" He mutters.

  "Yes I do speak and I am losing many brain cells speaking to a nitwit like you so It says leave me be so I can go to my real master who is a real colt" I shot back. Doctor looks to be trying to contain his laughter. I glare at the colt who dares to try to replace the Doctor. His shock look turns to a smothering glare. He expects me to back down. I stand my ground. 

  "You dare speak to me like that" He asks. I walk up to him and get in his face.

  "I do dare so leave" I snarl in his face. Doctor comes and puts a wing on my back. I sit down and press against him. He glares at the Master.

  "You heard her leave" He growls. The Master glares at me and walks away. He walks out the hole he came in.

  "Don't plan on me being silent any longer" He then drops out the hole. I sigh and walk away from the doctor. I look at the gaping hole and wonder how I will fix it. I think up the amount of ply wood I need along with approximately how long it will take. 

  "Derpy come here" I obey Doctor and walk to him. Once i'm in front of him I finally see that his ocean eyes hold a uneasiness. "You blushed" He states.

  "Huh?" I ask, confuse. He walks closer pressing against me.

  "You blush at him" He says. I see that his eyes were becoming the icy blue. I sigh pressing against him. I lean up and press my lips to his. I close my eyes as he deepens the kiss. He pulls me closer. When we part he looks sure of himself again. He presses his nose to my mane. After a few moments he pulls away. He gives a long sigh.

  "We will have to be on guard" He says. 

  "Why?" I ask.

  "Master has always been a tricky player" He mutters. I sigh I go and find the ply wood. When I return I see that the Doctor has left. I sigh before starting to repair the hole. I finish and think it looks pretty good. I sit down and review what has been happening. Doctor is being kinder as if he like me. I don't know he still has his moments when he makes it clear that he doesn't like me. I am pull from my musing when I feel a body beside me. I look and yelp in fear. Beside me is the Master.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask. He turns to me and smiles.

  "I've come for you darling. Your beauty exceeds all the other mares" He says. I look at him in shock before settling in a fighting stance.

  "I refuse to come with you" I hiss. His eyes narrow and he growls. He too gets in a stance. We circle each other evaluating each other. I see that even in his frail looking body he has strength. I have agility and my smaller body to an advantage. My disadvantage is that he is more intelligent. I wait for him to attack me first it gives me advantage. He grows weary of circling each other. He lunges forward he lifts his hoof to slam it in my head. I roll to the side before headbutting him in the side. He flies to the wall I just finished. He stands and smiles.

  "I like a mare with a feisty side" He then runs at me. I evaluate his legs and see that he plans to turn around and buck me. As he rears up I slide under his body. I pop up in front of him. I raise a hoof and punch him in the face.Repeatedly. He stumbles back from my barrage of hits. He then rears up and slaps me across the face. I stumble from his force. He then pins me to the ground. He smiles. He leans down and licks up my face. I growl and snap my jaws. I free my hind legs and I do a sweeping move with them. He falls and his jaw connects with the floor by my head. He groans in pain. I get out from under him. I pin him and snarl.

  "You will leave!" I shout in his face.

  "No I won't not with out my mate" He smiles.

  "I AM NOT YOUR MATE" I roar "I AM DOCTOR'S MATE AND DOCTOR'S ONLY" I rear up and slam my front hooves into his shoulders. I smile at the pain look that registers on his face. He suddenly rears up and starts giving me punches and jabs. I fall to the ground and he continues. I scream as he grabs my mane and pulls me up. I struggle with his hoof. I hear the door open. I hear a loud animalistic snarl before I am drop to the floor. I struggle to stand my head has feels like someone took a hammer to it. I here fighting but my mine is in a daze. I look up and see double. I blink and my double becomes one and see the Doctor throwing Master threw a window. He walks to me. Once he reaches me I smile up at him. 

  "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod and stand I feel dizzy. I fall on Doctor. He gladly catches me.

Doctor's P.O.V

  My days with this mare as of lately has been quite good. She has my blood meaning she has only a desire for me. She is finally mine. I know now where my feelings towards her lie. I love her. I still feel something in me to hurt her but not as often. She is out of her depression and we are living a fair life. Well that's until Master came. I pull Derpy to our bed and lay her down. She smiles softly before waiting for me to climb in the bed. I do as she wants and curl around her. I kiss her head and wait for her to sleep. After she sleeps I stand and leave her. She moves a bit from not having my body next to her but she soon gets use to the chilly air.

  I walk to the laboratory. I sit and look over my data. I have been taking test on Derpy to see if what I told her was correct. Her brain has expand, I have seen that her wings have grown too the last part that has grown is her body. Her blood has done something that shocks me. I expect it to have been part mine part hers but my blood has taken over her whole bloodstream. It has even made her heart pump my blood. So I have come to a conclusion that she has turn in to a timequeen. 'My queen' I mentally say. She was just what any lord could find in a queen. I can't help but remember the way she blushed when Master said what he said. I growl under my breath. 

"It's time to finish what we started"  

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