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A powerless queen.


How pathetic...

              Vivianne sat at her throne in an empty room, a room with magnificent paintings of the land's history, portraits of the queens and kings before. She in her black dress beautifully designed  by the castle help to sparkle like the night sky above the glass ceiling.

             Viv let out one sigh that echoed throughout the courtroom. Resting on the side of the black and silver throne with her legs crossed on the arm rest engraved with symbols of the power the position of queen held. Her black, red bottom heels started to fall off a bit, and her crown tilted. Not that she cared, who was here to correct her posture or Un ladylikeness.

She was only 19 years old as her birthday was only yesterday, she had been on this land for 10 years. This enchanting land of magic was so perfect... when you were born for it. This land's name was Aytigin.

All this, everything... The castle, the land, the people... It was supposed to be Everything.

All I got me, Vivianne, the queen of this wasted, useless, cruel land, was an empty heart, castle, and passion. Everything sacrificed and lost for this wretched seat that deserved to burn.

10 years ago, when I first got here everything was perfect, the land was beautiful, as a kid I had to be dragged back inside. And the sky, it was lovely the same sky in the mortal world, but here it seemed brighter, better, perfect. The moon was my nightlight, the moon was there in the sky at night, a perfect friend, it seemed so close so lovely. Everything was so new, so fresh.

Until it was not, until everything changed. When the sun dimmed, and the moon faded. The land had been ruined. All for this waste of a space crown. 

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