chapter 3 page 13

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When I got on my way the chill in the air left and I knew that Brisa and Esen's spirit was there in the field waiting to be called some where else.

One thunderous thud sended me into a sprint anywhere. Running through the trees the sound of the cracking branches followed me.

Eventually all of my twisting and turning paid off and I saw the familiar creek, not worried about getting my shoes wet, I didn't throw my shoes across first or bother crossing on the rocks, I just lifted my skirt enough not to trip and pushed my way against the current.

Next to the patch of grass there was something I hadn't noticed before or expected to be there. Silas stood near the edge looking at something and when I turned to see what that would have been exactly, there in the fog and distance stood two large trolls that had to be seven feet tall. Built like Bolders, all the false hope left me.

As I watched them closer, they had taken note of our, Silas and I's, presence they walked forward smugly. And I knew that my life was not ever going to be as valuable as the prince of Atygin.

So, I did the only logical thing I could think of...

I charged...

Not at the trolls but at the prince, Silas. When we fell to the ground, we had fallen behind the protection and privacy of a rock, a big moss-covered rock.

My left hand was covering his mouth keeping him from calling out, my right was next to his head propping myself up keeping our bodies as separate as possible.

"When I get up run for your life" I had instructed.

He gave me a look that it was like he insisted that I was crazy. Perhaps he thought I was joking, that some how in his thick head he didn't think this was a serious enough situation.

"I swear to god I'm not insane"

Even if I was this wasn't the time to have that argument. 

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