Chapter one page two

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Just as I turned the corner I bumped into a tall man with long black hair, pale skin, but what really grabbed my attention was his ears pointed up. These thin pale lips formed into a small smile, that made me want to trust him, but I was practically at his mercy.

"Well, hello there" the man had said to me as if he found this whole thing amusing.

"How far have you run?" he asked as he gave his canteen from his side wrapped in a holder made from leaves. Only than had I realized how thirsty I truly was as I drank the whole thing in just a few swallows. He talked to me and introduced himself to me as Bowie, a fae, and only 30 in mortal years.

He told me stories of the place I woke up in.

We walked and talked so long that I had not realized we were in front of an old looking building made of rocks and mud and still sturdy. It made me panic this was the castle neighboring the cottage.

In my distress I turned to run only getting a few feet before Bowie had grabbed me by the stomach. "No let me go, you don't understand!" I had shouted. Only getting a lighthearted chuckle as a response.

In only a few minutes, I was inside I knew from the show I and mother used to watch that it was more dangerous inside.

I saw a pale angle like woman with grey eyes that pierced my soul and crinkled at the ends with her smile. Her blonde hair was put up in a way that flattered her face shape and the two small horns that laid above her ears on the side of her head.

"I see you still have the crown," her voice matched her appearance but was still firm, and she seemed proud of the crown or the fact that I wanted to keep it, I could not tell.

"You can fear no more I only wanted to help, undo the damage I did," What she had said had confused me, what damage had she done and what did it have to do with me. "Damage," was all I had asked, all I wanted to ask for I was afraid that I would learn something that I did not what to have the knowledge of. 

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