Chapter 3 page 2

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Davi opened her book that Mel had lended her looking up watching me unclip the necklace that she had given me after I had told her about best friend necklaces, she had a matching one her's had a white crystal instead of a purple one mine had.

I had taking off the necklace not noticing Davi eying what I was doing. Taking the ring that had falling of of Silas' finger when he tried to grab the apple.

After putting it on the chain I looked up to see Davi looking back at me, she seemed slightly sadden. Turning around and falling backwards I laid down. Davi imitating me and laying down too and as she read her book out loud to me, I ate the apple.

Mrs. Groves had come she looked shaken and tired.

Davi and I had sat up bidding her a good morning.

We shared a curious and concerned look when Mrs. Groves did not respond but rather than just scoffed.

Our lessons did not start even though the teacher was there Mrs. Groves had zoned out looking in space nobody made a noise or any movement. Mrs. Groves had moved, and the pages of the books and the oddly silent land was the only thing anyone heard. I wanted to lean over and ask Davi if she knew what was going on, but I didn't want to be the first person to make a noise.

When I looked back up at Mrs. Grove she was frantically flipping through pages.

She stopped to either read the page or she had given up any hope of finding the information she was looking for.

Everything went quiet again and Mrs. Groves had zoned out again. The wind in the trees seems extra loud.

Davi seemed to notice that I was getting nervous in a quiet whisper voice she asked leaning forward clearly concerned "Mrs. what is going on?" she had asked, like Mrs. Groves was a fragile bomb or animal that at any moment could go off or attack.  

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