chapter 4 page one

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Ever since the troll attack last year, Bowie has gone out of his way to teach Davi and I how to sword fight and defend ourselves. It was fun.

Davi has recovered by then and went back to her carefree nature. She had a scar on the bridge of her nose, and her white freckles were disappearing from her round face, leaving her dark skin plain but still beautiful.

Davi was always nimble on her feet but with a sword in her hand she was lethal.

Lethal things were always the most beautiful.

It was never the risk of loving deadly things but surviving them.

With one final grunt and attempt she had the sword time under my chin aimed at my throat. The sword tip pushed at my throat, but Bowie had smoothened the edge, as to not have any injury.

Davi grinned at me with triumph showing off the gap of her two front teeth.

"I beat you" Davi had told me as if I did not already know.

"Did you?"

Davi walk forward heading towards the house using the sword to fight of some imaginary monster. We had already used the extra five minutes Astria and May had given us before dinner.

"I totally let you win"

"No, I'm just to good" Davi boasted.

"Just don't let it go to your head"

"Wait till Bowie hears this" She continued completely ignoring my joke. "Don't you have to be good with a sword to be a knight"

Her jab wasn't serious but tomorrow I would show her. 

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