chapter 3 page 6

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I turned away from where the ashes were getting pushed by the new wind. The chilled wind was sharp, and it felt like winter for a split second and then it was over. I had opened my eyes when I felt the wind settle down the calm breeze still lingered in the air. And it felt like the breeze was making fun of me the way it seemed bitter.

That was the only second that I truly looked around taking in everything and every detail. The way that the darkened stems woven into each other on the nature's floor.

The not-so-distant thudding ripped me from my observations, and I ran to the small cabin that was not there before.

I knew that the people if they were even in there could be bad and only want to hurt me, but the comfort and safety of the cabin called me, and I answered.

The vines on the front seemed to shift to fit the house that was still settling and shifting bit by bit.

As I had approached the house, I occurred to me that the door might be locked.

When I had twisted the door knob the door did not fall open like they usually do so I tried to push it. My attempts failed and the thuds sounded closer.

Frantically I pushed higher up on the door then the lower, in the middle, the left, the right. Before I heard a voice so soft but firm enough to scare me "Push."

So, I did.

The walls in the mudroom entrance were decorated with plants, mainly vine.

"Come in, come in" the voice said ushering me inside.

As I walked into the house I was hit by the smell of warm cookies, and welcomeness if that was even a smell. But even if it wasn't it was the most comfortable, I've ever been.

Except for the smell of my Mother's perfume, it was so sweet, but it did not make your nose hurt, sometime when I was younger all it took to cheer me up was to be held by her and to smell her perfume that had faded by the day.

My mother's perfume.

Not Astria's... Not May's.

My mother's. 

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