chapter 3 page 19

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I didn't know where I stood with the belief that a god exists but there was no doubt in my young naïve brain that there was some greater power somewhere.

So, I let go of my grip on Davi and bowed my head closed my eyes and prayed. Prayed of Davi's safety and well being.

Please, let her live let her be alright, I will trade my own life for her's just let her live.

A muffled groan to the side of me had ripped apart my concentration.


She groaned.

She was alright.

Surely that meant some gods someone had heard my pleads and answered. And as I embraced Davi I waited for my death, hoped it would be painless and quick. My end of the deal sure to come soon, a life for a life.

But it didn't come.

The excruciating wait was to no avail. No lightning bolt came from the dark endless skies were sent to strike me down.

Just a rumble, that I knew should have made me feel comfort with the trade I just made. But it just made my stomach turn the message was clear, I could have Davi and my life, but I was to pay my debt later.

My death.

"Oh Davi, are you alright?" My voice wavered even if I didn't want it to.

She gave a muffled answer I couldn't understand, but still got my answer anyways from the nodded yes of her head that was rested in the crook of my neck. 

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