chapter 3 page 3

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Mrs. Groves had looked up after hearing the question misty eye like any opportunity of saving something was gone. "Everyone knows that we are a kingdom" There was a soft murmuring as if showing they did. "Well as we all know we are by several other surrounding kingdoms"

I was confused and concerned for her and next to me I felt Davi hold my hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, when I turned to look at her, she was looking straight ahead.

"The kingdom we are going to be worrying about right now is the kingdom of Saiden"

She swallowed and collected her thoughts.

"One group of people... as the mortals call them... trolls.," "Well sometimes they get angry like anyone else."

"Things happened and they... well they did not like it."

"And that is the precise reason that we will not be continuing this lesson and you will go home."

She looked back at her books expecting everyone to pack up and to leave as she instructed. But no one dared to move a muscle.

Mrs. Groves had turned pages about 10 times, I counted in my head bored and concerned waiting for her to lift her head as she made a realization but as five minutes had passed, I doubted it would happen soon.

I noticed the title of the book that Mrs. Groves had been taking her time reading. Davi was reading the same one. I had leaned in near Mrs. Groves, staying as far away as I could but still be able to see what page she was on.

I leaned over Devi stealing the book out of her left hand.

Davi put her hand on my shoulder watching me to see what it was I was doing. 

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