Chapter two page three

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Today Davi and I did not have any lessons, so we headed to the market. We could not wait to hear what hero Mel was talking about today.

As we walked down the short part of the path we had left to walk as I carried the small basket, we were to fill with the blue-faced baker's bread from the market.

"It's mother May's birthday soon... and I was thinking we ought to get her some flowers" Davi had said after waiting for me to get caught up to her after she had run ahead to get the stone she had kicked.

Mother May was as much like my mother as she was Devi's.

And Astoria was as much her mother as mine.

Upon hearing her idea, I opened the flap of the basket to take out the only thing in it, the gold, bronze, and silver coins that were used as currency. I counted to see how much extra we had left once we would have after buying the bread. We had planned to buy two chocolate cookies from the baker with our extras like we did every week.

"After buying the flowers we will have enough coins for one cookie" I informed her as I put the coins back in the basket. "We can share," she compromised with a smile before kicking the stone once again.

Once we got to the market we raced to the baker, I only tripping once.

The baker was waiting for our arrival as we came to buy bread every Wednesday. He greeted us with hello, smile, and a tip of his head. I raised my hand with the money in my fist, placing it in his flat waiting hand after the basket was filled.

He moved the coins in his hand as he counted them, and we waited patiently. He lifted one finger and drew in the air doing the math once he put his hand down Davi had looked at me and we shared a giggle before he opened the bakery door to let us go grab the cookie waiting for us. 

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