chapter 3 page one

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Davi and I were sitting waiting for lessons to start that day, we were now 10 years old and closer than before. While we waited, we turned to face each other tossing a stone back and forth. Devi was telling me about a strawberry patch she heard about, and I had promised to check it out with her at the end of lessons.

In the mid throw of it getting to Davi a hand had reached out and grabbed it stopping it from getting to its destination. As I turned to see who the hand belonged to, I had to shield my face from the bright sun.

When I saw that it was Silas, I turned back to Davi and rolled my eyes. I should of know it was him with all the rings on his fingers. Opening the basket by my side I grabbed my apple and started tossing it to her before loudly talking to her to drown him out and to ignore him than maybe he would get the hint that I did not want him here. I would never tell him that I knew if I said that he would say something along the lines that I was not welcome here.

"I hope there will be a lot of strawberries that way we can make Mother Astoria's strawberry cake" I heard Silas scoff when I had said mother, but I did not acknowledge it.

Silas stole the apple too, when I told him it was my lunch he smirked before taking a bite out of it and looking smug.

Silas let go of the apple letting it fall, the apple rolled off his fingers. I had caught it looking him right in the eyes I took a big bite out of it, trying to show him that what every he did would never have an effect on me.

He tried to take the apple from me, but I cut him with my nail, and he dropped the apple.

One of his friends, Blade, an intimidating light green tinted 10-year-old. Blade was fae, fae mature faster and he was big, rock like, with brood shoulders and a stocky figure. 

The queen of nothingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant