chapter 3 page four

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I flipped as fast as I could to the page that could enable me to gain control of the situation. Some of the other kids had noticed our, Davi and I's, movements and had leaned in towards us.

Once I had gotten to the right chapter, I realized reading the chapter that the trolls of Saiden were planning something and as me and Davi read on I had realized that the chapter was all about the troll's anger and the times of war between them.

Their attack strategies were violent and deadly.

Just as I was reading their history, I heard a thud in the distance. The thud had startled Mrs. Groves and she had picked up the pace in her movements making them swifter. She had gasped, taking in a sharp breath of air.

I decided to go investigate to see if the thud was what I thought it was, I only meant to go near the edge of the woods stop by the creek I saw rocks lined up perfectly for me to cross. Taking off my shoes I flung them to the other side of the body of water.

Putting on my shoes after I crossed, I heard more thudding. Running toward the sounds I felt like those stupid teenagers in the horror movies my mom loved.

After running for a few minutes I had gotten lost in the memorizing tree filled woods. I could not remember what way it was to get out.

Using the tricks for situations like this I still could not figure out what way was what and the trees were so tall that I could not see the sun.

I decided to try to find water, a creek it might connect with the one I had crossed to get here.

When I headed what I hoped was North I saw that the woods had gotten darker, the trees grew closer together and at that moment I realized how much of an idiot I was to run into the woods.

I should have just called the trolls over to me.

If I had just stayed with the rest of the class, I would have had a chance of survival and if I did survive somehow not die in these woods how would I live I just proved the foolishness of the humankind. 

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