Chapter 3 page 16

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When I had reached my destination, the strawberries were smashed into the ground their goo holding on to the leaves and grass. Picking through them trying to find the salvageable ones. Ones that were eatable were hard to find the grass surrounding the little patch was burnt crisp and scorched.

I didn't have my basket to carry the few in, so lifting the first layer of my dress poring the strawberries into it. The ones I found would not have been enough to make a tart much less a cake, so I decided I would just wash them and gift them to her.

When I did reach the door to our estate, it was quiet. My hello echoed, left unanswered. Something felt twisted in my gut as it my instinct knew something wasn't quiet right.

Something was wrong.

After I had checked every room, every crook and cranny. To no avail, no one was here. Running quickly I reached to the cottage it looked so pretty, so untouched by the troll and madness.

I took a while as my attempts to open the door caused shakes from the walls. The door did eventually opened up and in the one room of the cottage laid Davi. Her left leg propped up with a plain purple pillow. With her eyes closed I could tell whether she was...



Or dead...

I really hoped it wasn't the latter. Next to the nightstand stood Mother Astria, she was putting a white handkerchief into the water, not the fancy kind of handkerchief that you wore with fancy suites the kind that was really just a rag, a rip from a towel.

Mother May was crotched on her legs next to the bed she was holding one of Davi's scratched bloody hands. May let go of Davi's hand moving on to wiping Davi's bang out of her face for her as Astria put the rag on her forehead. 

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