The Bad guy's downfall

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On the long ride, wolf felt broken inside as the little girl he he lived was taken away from him.

He takes out her ring that he stole from her when he first met her, he looks at it and it reminds him of her, how she looked at him when he attacked her dad, the tears in her eyes, he can still see it through the diamond like she was staring at him, he can still hear her crying.

"I'm sorry princess" wolf says as he stares woefully at the diamond, he begins to break down as he slowly closes his eyes and tears began to fall.

Snake watched and feeling guilty and bad for how he treated princess and how she was going to suffer, he knew he shouldn't give her away.

Webs looks at the necklace princess gave her and starts to feel bad for trying to abandon princess after she made a bracelet especially for her.

And one by one snake saw how each of how friends were feeling empty after losing princess, she gave them so much unconditional love from a child.

The Bad Guys then were being loaded into a military grade police boat.

This boat would deliver them to the highest-security prison for thousands of miles far offshore, on prison island.

Meanwhile, the Bad Guys were wishing they had princess back right now, they would've traded all their treasures, right about now Just to get princess back.

But thanks to a sneaky rat or should they say cat, they were on their way to the most high-security prison on Earth instead.

"I can't believe we got played by a cheap, rotten cat." Shark moaned.

"Oh, he won't get away with this, he doesn't deserve princess," Snake grumbled. Then he glanced in Wolf's direction but all he saw in wolf's eye was sadness as he continues to sulk.

"This isn't over yet."

Then the Guards began unloading them into the processing room.

they all got fingerprinted, webs pressed her fifth set of fingers to the pad before moving on to hands six, seven, and eight.

Then the cops send a few guys through a pat down to check for weapons.

And out from where he was posing for a mug shot, he just looked down still break broken.

After they all get changed into orange jumpsuits, wolf walks over to a bench and sits down.

All four of the other Bad Guys walked over him feeling bad about everything.

finally breaking the silence, snake slithered over to him feeling empathy.

"Wolf" he sighed, "I'm so sorry about everything"

"No snake, you were right should have never got to close to princess and now thanks to me, I broke the #1 rule of kidnapping, we're in prison for a crime we didn't commit and princess is gone forever" wolf sighed.

"No wolf you we're right, look I felt it, we all felt it, that unconditional love from that child, she makes us feel like we're more then villains" snake said.

"She makes me feel special" shark says.

"She made me a necklace" webs added as she shows then the necklace.

"We all felt the wag wolf"

When all seems lost for the bad guys, one of them sees hope.

"Did you see the look in her eyes when she looked at me" wolf says painfully.

"She needs us wolf more then you know" snake hissed. "We need to save that child, and this time we're all in this together" everyone agreed.

The bad guys: what if mr. Wolf kidnapped a babyWhere stories live. Discover now