Sad goodbyes and falling villains

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As wolf continues to cry, behind him, a miracle has happened.

Princess was alive, she fluttered her eyes open, she looks up and smiles.

"Puppy" she cooed.

"Yeah it's me pup-" wolf then opened his eyes as he realized something.

"Princess?" He pulls her up to his face to see her smiling and giggling again.

"PRINCESS" he cheered as he hugs her tight again, "you're alive" then the rest of the bad guys joined in for a group hug.

During the hug, wolf looks at snake and they both smiled at each other.

Then they let go and wolf pulls the grabbing hook and aims at somewhere on the ridge of the destroyed mansion.

"Alright guys let's get out of here" wolf says

as the Bad Guys emerged from the edge of the crater, "That's it," the chief said, "There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time!"

"Wait!" Diane said, stepping forward. "Chief!"

"Governor Foxington?" the chief said, spinning around.

"Don't do this!" she told her. "They didn't steal the meteorite; they were bringing it back!"

The police chief snorted. "Ha! How could you know that? Unless, unless you were conspiring with a bunch of known criminals?" She glanced at Diane.

Diane took a deep breath, then removed her glasses.

"Well. . ." she began. "As a matter of fact, it's time I came clean about something. The truth is, I'm really, really-

"really a big fan of redemption arcs," Wolf interrupted.

If Diane had successfully hid her criminal past for this long, Wolf wasn't about to let her out herself.

Why ruin the good thing she had going? "Yeah, Governor, we know, Stunned, Diane turned and looked at Wolf, who had moved over to stand beside her, then looks back at his team as they smiled.

Wolf handed the cat to Diane, then turned toward the police chief and lifted his paws, "We're done running away, Chief, do What you need to do."

The police chief was caught off gward. "What? You're turning yourself in?"

"We might not have stolen the meteorite, but we did steal a lot of other things," Wolf admitted. "It's time we take responsibility and start a clean slate, Take us in, chief?

"Wow," the chief said, stunned, "Really?"

When the police chief didn't move, Wolf sighed and took the hand. cuffs himself.

Wolf slipped his hands into the cuffs and tightened them up" You finally did it. This is your moment, Chief".

"Drink it in."

"Wow-I should...I should give a speech!" the chief said excitedly. I should, shouldn't I"

Wolf frowned. "Uh-

But the chief was already began her speech. "Ahem! When I was six years old, I decided that I wanted to play the piccolo--only to find that my fingers were just too powerful for that fragile little instrument, And that's when I discovered law enforcement-"

While she rambled on, Wolf and Diane exchanged knowing smiles. "I'm proud of you, Wolf" Diane said.

"You know," he told her. "A fox and a wolf are not that different. You've got a good thing going here, Governor"

Diane smiled thoughtfully, watching as the police loaded the Bad Guys into their vehicles.

Tiffany Fluffir had finally arrived on the scene, so it turns out The saga of the Bad Guys has come to a simple and totally satisfying conclusion," she said then, into the camera. "Though I wonder, What happened to the meteorite?" Tiffany's camera panned over, capturing footage of Thomas pushing his way out of the ruble, he looked like he was about to explode when he sees wolf and the other bad guys getting arrested, he charges at wolf.

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