The end

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(One Year Later)
(Sentence Reduction for good Behavior)

"Okay," Wolf said to Snake as they headed out of prison, finally free-a year after the whole meteorite thing.

"So, imagine it's your birthday-

Snake cut him off. "It is my birthday."

"Yeah, I know, But you're walking along and you meet a genie-_" Wolf went on.

"What's his name?" Snake asked.

"What's the genie's name?" Wolf lifted one brow.

"I wanna know who I'm talking to," Snake explained as he grabbed his bag of personal items off the counter before leaving the jail, heading back out into fresh air and freedom.

"I dunno," Wolf said, shrugging. "'Genie' Or 'Gene' for short. So, he offers you three wishes."

"Okay," Snake said. "Why three?"

Wolf said, "You know, industry standard. Now, what do you wish for?"

I'm gonna go with-Nothing." Snake thought for a second.

"Nothing:" Wolf balked. "Come on- it's your birthday?"

Snake shook his head. "What do I need wishes tor? I got my freedom"

Snake and Wolf pushed through a door, out into the prison yard, while Snake continued to count olf his blessings.

"I've got my friends-" Snake continued

In the prison yard, the other three Bad Guys joined them.

"And I got princess, speaking of which, it's her birthday too, so we should probably get her something nice".

Hey!" Webs cried out.

"Guys!" Shark whooped.

"Looking good, amigos!" Piranha said.

Snake finished up his list of blessings. "And I've got the skin of a reptile half my age".

"I don't know about half your age, but you do look good" Shark said.

"Well," Wolf said, grinning, "that's because you just molted.?"

"Yes, I did!" Snake said.

You smell good, too," Shark told him.

"I'm shiny." Snake beamed. "I'm gorgeous."

Together, the five Bad Guys headed for the prison gates: All their tails, fins, and bellies were wagging with excitement and feel-good feelings as they stepped past the fence and into free world, waiting to see princess again.

But as soon as they got outside, the reality of their situation hit them like a five-ton meteorite.

"S000. . . what do we do now?" Shark said quietly.

"Steal a car?" Piranha suggested.

"Piranha!" Webs scolded.

Piranha shrank under the angry looks of the others. "I was joking, It was a joke."

Snake glanced at Wolf. "You know, on second thought, Wolf, maybe I'd wish for a ride."

Wolf grinned. That was more like it."Oh yeah?
Alakazam!" On those words, there was a screech of tires and an instant later the Bad Guy mobile pulled up to the curb in front of them. Diane was at the wheel!

"Nice," Snake mused.

Diane rolled down the window. "Hey, guys," Diane said with a smile. "Ready to get to work?"

The cat from Marmalade's compound hopped out of the car and into Wolfs arms. "Hey!" Wolf said with a laugh. "Whoa!"

The former Bad Guys all piled into the car. Diane slid over so Wolf could take his usual spot at the wheel.

Wolf grinned as he settled into his seat. He dropped his sunglasses over his eyes and winked at Diane.

"Webs, hit it!" As soon as the music came pouring out of the car's speakers, Wolf floored it. It felt good to be back where he belonged, with his all-time favorite pack.

But first a quick pit-stop, they drove to Diane's house, where they were getting an unexpected surprise.

"So you guys ready to see princess again" Diane asked.

Just the sound of her name had wolf, thought about princess, it's been months since they last saw her.

"How is she" wolf asked as he frowned.

"Oh she just got adopted" this has shocked the bad guys then wolf's heart shattered as he knew he was too late.


"By who" snake demanded as he looked fierce.

"By me" Diane assured them as she holds up princess adoption paper, "I adopted her for you guys, I was just watching her until you finally got out of jail"

She hands them the paper to show them that there was another line for them to sign their names so they can adopt her.

"She can be yours too"

Wolf and the others looked at her and smiled as one by one they signed the adoption paper and now they were legally her guardians.

"So where is she now" wolf asked.

"Come inside" they all followed her and when she stopped at her doorstep.

"Are you ready to see princess again" she turns and she gestures wolf to open the door, he opens it, he steps inside and he looks around until he goes in the living.

"Princess" he calls out then on the floor was a 5 year old baby sitting on the floor, she gets up, turns to wolf and smiles.

"Puppy" wolf grinned very happy as he knew This wasn't the end of the bad guys, this was only the beginning.

The bad guys: what if mr. Wolf kidnapped a babyWhere stories live. Discover now