Murder Capital of the World

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This is my first story so please be patient. My quality writing gets better as you go on so please give the story a chance and read on. Thank you <3

Music and screams of excitement could be heard from the moon lit boardwalk. Bright neon lights fill the sky as people party all night long.

A brilliantly lit carousel is crowded with people of all ages. The surf nazi's are also seen on the carousel. Four boys around the age of nineteen walk through the crowds of people on the carousel.

The bleach blonde leads the others through the carousel. His icy blue eyes scanning the crowds of people. All the boys were dressed in leather biker jackets and all had a piercing in one ear.

The bleach blonde spots a surf nazi and his girl and decides to smile at the blonde girl. Greg, the king of the boardwalk scowls at the bleach blonde. Both gangs crowd around him and the surf nazi ready to fight.

A security guard walks over and firmly says "I told you to stay of the boardwalk". The boys stare intensely at the guard until the bleach blonde smirks and says "Okay boys, let's go."

The boys start to leave the carousel one by one. The bleach blonde seems amused by the situation. The smallest of the boys pulls a face at the surf nazi's as he's leaving and the taller sandy blonde boy laughs.

The security guard turns to Greg and says "You too, off the boardwalk. Don't come back".

They grumble and leave.

*4 hours later*

The car park of the boardwalk is dead quiet and the security guard is walking to his car all alone.

Suddenly the cackles of the lost boys can be heard as they are nearing their next meal.

They lift up the security guard and start feeding. The guards lifeless pale body is dropped onto the black concrete.

The lost boys return to their cave laughing and joking after getting revenge on the security guard.

Star and laddie are reading together. Star notices that the boys are back and roles her eyes out of disgust.

David walks in and teasingly says "You should've been there Star we had a killer night". Paul and Marko burst of laughing and collapse onto an old velvet couch.

David laughs menacingly whilst Dwayne laughs along but gives Star an apologetic glance. Star smiles at Dwayne but quickly looks away and starts talking quietly to Laddie again.

*The Next Day*
*Ashleys POV*

"Keep going" said Sam from the front seat.

"Yeh Mom keep going" I said referring to the radio.

"Hey, I liked that song" Mom said jokingly.

"Keep going, Mom" Michael said from beside me.

Michael and Sam were my brothers. Sammy is fourteen turning fifteen in about 4 months and Michael is seventeen and is turning eighteen next month. I just turned seventeen so me and Michael are very close.

"How about this one?" Questioned my Mom.

"No it sounds bad" complained Sam.

"Hang on" said Michael.

"Yeh give it a chance Sam" I said whilst hitting his shoulder.

"Wait no. Keep going Mom" Michael said after listening to the song for thirty seconds.

"It doesn't matter we are almost here" said my Mom whilst pointing at the Santa Carla sign.

I leaned over Michael to get a good view of it when we both saw the words 'Murder capital of the world' .

Me and Michael shot each other a concerned look when Sam said "Eww what is that smell?".

"That's the ocean air" replied Mom.

"Smells like someone died" complained Sam.

"I know the past year hasn't been easy but I think you're gonna really like living in Santa Carla" mom exclaimed.

Michael squirms uncomfortably in response to mom so I place my hand on his and smile at him. Sam just stays silent and stares out the window.

"It's gonna be great" mom mumbles to herself as if she's trying to reassure herself. The past couple years have been tough on mom but I'm glad she finally got away from that bastard.

*Fifteen minutes later*

We stopped at a gas station at the entrance of town to buy some snacks and get more gas. Sam was eagerly checking out the surroundings. Me and Michael were checking on our bikes out of paranoia. Michael was convinced it would get damaged on the way here.

Mom came back out the store after paying for the gas and a few bags of chips. She was fiddling with her purse trying to put the change in. She was visibly struggling.

"Mom let me do it" I said whilst grabbing her purse. Her hands were shaking. I knew how hard it was for her. Our father wasn't exactly the gentlest of people.

"Thank you sweetie" she said whilst placing her hand on my forearm.

Michael walked away from his bike to look around. Sam was looking at two obviously homeless teenagers searching for food in a trash can.

"Oh Sam, go tell those kids to get something to eat" she said whilst passing him some notes.

Sam walked over to them and handed them the money. They smiled and thanked him.

Sam walked back over to me and mom.

"Where's Michael gone?" He asked.

I looked around searching for him. And saw him talking to a man. The man was probably in his late thirties.

Michael walked back over with a disappointed face.

"What's up with you?" Teased Sam.

"Nothing, just looks like I won't be earning any cash anytime soon" he replied. I know he really wanted to save up so he could get a new bike. His bike meant everything to him. I sent an apologetic smile at him. He smiled back at me glumly.

"Come on we better get to the house your grandad will be waiting to see you" Mom said whilst trying to lighten the mood. We got back in the car and set off on the the final stretch of our long journey from phoenix to the murder capital of the world.

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