Battle Plan

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"Friday night, we'll get Star and Laddie back." Said David. He looked around the four of us and we all nodded in agreement.

"And how exactly do we do that?" I asked him.

" I have no idea." he sighed. He looked down at his lap.

"We could always surprise attack them, but they'll be expecting us at night." Suggested Marko.

"Well, what if we went in the day?" I questioned.

"No offence babe, but we would fry in the sun." Said Paul with a smile. He put his hand on my lower thigh to make sure I was okay and he wasn't too harsh with his sarcasm.

"But what if we could stick to the shadows or cover ourselves?." I added.

" I don't know darling, I-"said Dwayne glumly.

"Wait, what if we travelled at night and then waited for sunrise in the shadows?" I cut in.

"I know you want to help – but we've been doing this a lot longer than you. I'm sorry it's just impossible. There is no way that one of us wouldn't get injured by the Sun and we can't predict how tired we're gonna be during the day or how tired they are." Explained David. Marco squeeze my hand make sure I was okay. David didn't exactly snap at me, but I don't take criticism very well.

The boys argued for hours. It was almost sunrise and we still don't have an idea. Countless ideas had been thrown about. Some more impossible than others, but none of them would work. Suddenly it struck me. What if I tricked Michael and Sam into believing I wanted to come back to them? Except I had no way of communicating with the boys once I was there. It was risky, but it could work. It was our only option.

"Hey what if we use me as bait I know none of you like that idea and neither do I but it's only idea we've got." I suggested to the boys. David didn't look up at me. Marko looked at me with concern. I've never seen someone look so worried. Paul looked at me and slowly shook his head and Dwayne just looked heartbroken.

They all started protesting. I couldn't make out what they're saying due to them all speaking to me at once, but I knew they all disagreed.

"Stop" said David sharply. The boys fell into silence. David got up from his wheelchair and slowly walked over to me. He stopped in front of me and knelt down. He was now eye level with me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he questioned me as his icy blue eyes studied my face.

" I'm sure." I said confidently. Truth is I was not confident at all. I was incredibly nervous, not just the fact that it was dangerous, but I was incredibly nervous to see Michael again and spoken to him since the incident and I wasn't sure where I can control my anger around him. The meer thought of him makes me want to break something. I couldn't even imagine what he was doing to Star and Laddie. He may have this stupid crush on star but she is still half vampire and on the Lost Boys side. What if he was torturing them or worse by poisoning their minds. What if he turned them against us?

The boys all got up and hugged me. Their embrace made me feel safe.

*Michaels POV*

"I've been thinking about how we kill the head vampire, and I think we let them come to us. We let them think they have the upper hand whilst it's us that is advantaged." I explained to the group. We were all sat around the dining room table trying to come up with a plan. Sam sat opposite me with a frog brother either side of him. He insisted they help us. Star was sat next to me and Laddie was playing with Nanook in the corner of the room.

"So we just wait and do nothing whilst bloodthirsty vampires are roaming the streets?" Exclaimed Edgar Frog. He stood and slammed the table. Sam jumped at his action and Nanook barked.

"Shush Nanook." I sternly said. He cowered back and continued to receive attention for Laddie. I guess he got over his fear over vampires as he was constantly surrounded by them now.

"I say its a good plan." Added Star. She smiled at me. She had a beautiful smile. It was sad that I didn't get to see it often considering the circumstance that we are in.

"I agree." Said Sam. He pushed Edgar down so he was sat back in his chair. Edgar frowned and sort of had a temper tantrum in his chair. He kept signing rather obnoxiously. It almost made me want to get out of my chair and bite him myself. It was a good thing that Sam started talking and brought me back to reality.

"If we let them come to us we have the advantage of the battle being on our turf." Added Sam. He sounded rather proud of himself for taking charge. It was nice seeing him grow in confidence. Our dad was particularly harsh on Sam so he hasn't been a very confident kid.

"Okay." Said Alan Frog. He didn't look up from the table. I was surprised at his reaction. Sam looked at me with a smile. I nodded at him as a way of saying well done.

"What? You agree with these idiots?" Exclaimed Edgar. He stood up once again and slammed the table. Nanook didn't bark this time it was as if he had predicted this outburst and knew not to react.

"It's a good plan." Admitted Alan as he looked to his hysterical brother. He didn't try any further to convince his brother. I guess he knew that he couldn't convince but he knew that he would go with the majority.

"Whatever." Said Edgar. He obviously knew that he wouldn't win this argument. He sighed in defeat and sat back down in his chair.

"So that's the plan we prepare and wait, Edgar, Alan and Sam you get supplies and me and star will barricade the windows." I said commandingly.

Edgar and Alan stood up. "Yes Sir" they said together and army saluted at me. Sam just rolled his eyes and followed them.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Asked Star as she got up and walked towards me.

"I'm sure." I said as I took her into an embrace. Truth is I wasn't sure at all. I was petrified. They were stronger than us. And seeing Ashley again. I don't know if I can face her. She makes me so angry. She did all this because she has a stupid crush on these guys. I had to be strong for Star, for Laddie, for my family.

*Ashleys POV*

"Everyone remember the plan?" Asked David.

"Yes!" Everyone said together. I looked at the boys hoping that we would all be safe and make it out together. I had a feeling that we wouldn't though.

Marko and Paul flew to the second storey whilst I made my way in through the kitchen window. Dwayne and David went through the living room.

I climbed through the window and made my way under the kitchen table. I could hear voices from upstairs and Nanook barking. I kept quiet hoping to hear where Michael was. After all Michael was my target.

I waited for a while just listening to footsteps and muffled shouts. I hoped no one actually got hurt.

I heard an explosion of electricity come from the living room. I rushed to see what was going on. When I got there I saw Dwayne being electrocuted. The smell of burning flesh was horrific. Eventually he stopped screaming and thrashing his limbs. He was dead.

"Death by stereo." Whispered Sam to Michael with a smile.

I stood there horrified. They were smiling whilst I was on the verge of tears. How could they do that to him? I felt a wave of anger rush over me. I went to charge at my brothers but David pushed me back. I went flying into the kitchen whilst David grabbed my older brother.

They fought for ages but I couldn't bring myself to help him. It was like I was stuck to the floor. As if some glue was holding me down. My heart ached to help but I was helpless.

Michael walked out of Grandpas taxidermy room. David didn't follow. I collapsed even further onto the floor and shut my eyes tight. I heard my brothers laughs. Their voices were consuming me, taunting me.

I woke up in a panic. I looked beside me and there were my boys fast asleep. They were safe. I couldn't help but smile because they were okay. They were safe with me, I can protect them.

Sorry it's been a while guys. Year 13 is stressing me out but I'm trying my best :)

I love you guys, the votes really boost my spirit and encourage me to keep writing. So thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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