The Lost Boys

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I arrived at the boardwalk and parked my bike next to a railing and started walking into the crowds. The sun had just started to set.

I walked towards the comic book store that Sam had been in last night. I entered the store and looked around at the comics on the shelves. I'm not into comics but I promised Sam that I'd read at least one.

I looked through the superhero comics until I eventually got to the horror comics. I pulled up a blue comic that said "Vampires Everywhere".

"Vampires really are everywhere" said a voice from behind me. I looked over to see one of the boys that Sam was talking to.

"You're Sam's sister right? I saw you with him last night" he questioned.

"Yeh and?" I asked coldly.

"You might want to read the comic that I gave Sam" he said whilst walking away dramatically.

"Whatever" I said to myself.

The sun had finally set about fifteen minutes ago. I left the comic book store and looked towards the ocean and took a deep breathe in. I turned around but I walked straight into a hard chest.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I said whilst walking backwards.

"I really am sor..." I started when I looked up and saw David. His icy blue eyes were staring down into mine.

"Hey love" he said softly.

"Hi" I replied with a smile on my face.

He stepped towards me and held out his hand. "Still want that tour?" He asked.

"Yes" I said entranced. I placed my hand in his. He pulled me in the opposite direction and started his tour of Santa Carla.

*Two Hours Later*

"And that's the end of the tour" he said with a smile.

"Thank you" I said whilst stepping closer to him.

"Your welcome love" he said in my ear as he kissed my cheek. I could feel my cheeks burn red.

"Follow me" he said as he stepped away from me.

He started weaving his way through crowds of people. I hurried after him pushing through the crowds. He looked back to make sure I was keeping up. He smirked at me and turned back around.

I left the crowd of people to see David walking towards three others. It was the other boys I had seen earlier. They all howled at David welcoming him back to the group.

"David" shouted one of the boys.

"Where have you been?" Said another as David reached the boys.

I kept walking slowly towards them. David turned to look at me and smiled. He held his hand out. 

"Come on" he said. I reached my hand out and slipped my hand into his. Sparks shot up my arm but I ignored the feeling.

"Who's this?" Questioned the taller blonde boy.

David was about to answer so I replied "I'm Ashley". I held out my hand to shake his. He took my hand and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you Ashley" he said whilst smiling. He let go of my hand. My other hand still in David's grasp.

"I'm Paul by the way" he said. I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you Paul". I said whilst copying his response. He smirked at me.

"And who are the rest of your friends David?" I asked whilst I turned to face him. He smiled and turned to face the others again.

"This is Dwayne and..."

"I'm Marko!" Interrupted the smaller curly haired blonde.

David rolled his eyes at Marko's interruption. I giggled at him.

"Well nice to meet you both" I said looking at Dwayne and Marko. Dwayne smiled and nodded at me. Marko grinned and readjusted his posture in excitement.

"So how are you liking Santa Carla?" Asked Dwayne.

"It's great! I enjoy being back here." I replied. The sense of nostalgia was so strong in Santa Carla all it made me want to do is smile.

"That's nice" said Dwayne. I could tell he wasn't much of a talker.

"Anyway what do you guys usually do for fun? I'm bored." I asked.

"We could show you if you want?" Said David whilst looking down at me.

"Yes! Come on Ashley join us for the night" said Marko encouragingly.

"Alright I guess" I whined whilst rolling my eyes. Marko practically jumped in the air at my response and Paul had the biggest grin on his face. Dwayne smiled and readjusted his jacket. David tightened his grasp and smiled down at me.

"We just need to go find our other friend first" David said whilst grabbing my other hand and bringing me closer to him.

"Okay" I said.

"Ride with me?" He said whilst looking at his bike.

"How could I say no to you?" I replied teasing him.

His bike was gorgeous. It was matte black like the night sky. I couldn't wait to drive it myself.

David walked towards his bike and sat on it. He reached his hand out towards me. I took his hand and he helped me onto the bike. He started the bike up and it let out a loud rumble.

"Hold on tight love" he said whilst looking over his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his torso. I lent head on his shoulder blade: he made me feel safe. He revved the engine twice then set off. The others followed behind.

We rode through the boardwalk. The buildings and lights all blurred into one. The music could still be heard but less children were around now. The only people that were still out were adults and teenagers.

My eyes were still searching the boardwalk when we came to a sudden stop. I looked ahead of me and saw a girl with and a guy.

The girl had curly brown hair and olive skin. She wore a white top with a skirt and lots of jewellery. Her eyes were a fawn colour and were filled with a sense of hope and sadness.

The boy also had brown wavy hair. He was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. I couldn't see his face.

The two strangers both turned around at the sound of us stopping near them. The girl looked straight at me confused. I then looked over to the boy and saw...Michael!

Thanks everyone for the support so far! This is my first piece of writing ever so bare with me if I make any mistakes. Thank you AshleyShump and brittanyfulkerson1 for voting <3

I will try to upload a new part every week!

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