Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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*At the Emerson House*
*Sam's POV*

The car came to a sudden stop as we entered the driveway of our new house. I don't really remember being here when I was little in the summer Michael and Ashley do though. I opened the door and called for Nanook to follow. His black and white fur bouncing as he hopped out the car.

Michael and Ashley were busy pulling there bikes of the car when Mom noticed something.

"Dad? Dad?" She said calmly as he rushed over to his lifeless body that was laid across the porch.

We all rushed over and followed to see if he was okay.

"Looks like he's dead" said Michael as Ashley sniggered.

"No he's just a deep sleeper" replied Mom whilst placing her hand on his chest trying to wake him.

"If he's dead can we go back to Phoenix" I said jokingly.

Michael and Ashley smiled at my comment. We all looked at Grandad to see if he would awake.

"Playing dead" he said as he awakened smiling smugly.

"And from what I heard, doing a damn good job too" he chuckled.

"Actor of the year" Ashley teased.

"Oh Dad" Mom whined.

*Michaels POV*

We all entered the house as Grandad chuckled to himself. Ashley rolled her eyes in amusement. I laughed at her and elbows her in the stomach.

"Be nice you two" Mom scowled at us.

Sam sniggered. In response Ashley ran her fingers through his sandy blonde hair and messed it up.

"Hey!" He snapped. I laughed whilst Ashley ignored him.

We all continued through the house taking every detail in. The bare wooden walls gave the house an eerie but cosy feel. I could tell that the feeling of nostalgia had completely taken over Ashley's senses.

*Ashley's POV*

I span around with a beaming smile whilst memories of the past flooded my brain. Memories of playing tag with Michael and being told off my Mom whilst she was looking after 7 year old Sam because he had scraped his knee.

"Wow this place hasn't changed" I said whilst looking at Michael.

"Yeh this place is pretty cool" he replied.

"For the Texas chainsaw massacre" added Sam.

"Sam" I said whilst shooting him a disappointed look.

"Come on Sam, give Mom a break" said Michael.

He's only fourteen so I get that he doesn't really understand how hard it has been. Especially since Dad was always nice to him. He never had to go through what me and Michael did because we protected him from Dad.

We continued to bring boxes inside from the car whilst exploring the house. I was placing a box down when Michael and Sam entered the room.

"What's wrong with this picture?" Questioned Sam.

"There's no TV. Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV Ashley" said Sam with annoyance.

"Oh no how are you gonna live without MTV?" I teased.

"Sammy we are flat broke. What did you expect?" Questioned Michael.

He just looked at his feet probably realising that he was acting like a brat.

"It's alright Sammy" I said cheerfully whilst elbowing him in the stomach playfully. "We can keep ourselves entertained" I added.

"Why don't you go decorate your new room?" Michael suggested.

"Yeh that sounds fun Sam!" I exclaimed whilst patting him on the back.

"Alright" he sighed.

Sam walked up the stairs with the box of his stuff. Michael sighed obviously annoyed at Sam's behaviour.

"He doesn't understand Michael. He didn't have to grow through what we did." I said calmly to him whilst placing my hand on his forearm.

"I know but it's hard he acts like Dad is a saint and that everything is fine when it's not!" He said angrily.

I hugged him tightly and told him that everything was going to be okay.

"What's up with you two?" Said Sam as he walked down the stairs.

I let go of Michael and said "Nothing just reminiscing in old memories".

"Yeh" Michael added whilst scratching the back of his head anxiously.

We entered the kitchen and placed a few more boxes down on the table whilst admiring the room. I walked round the room whilst inhaling the fresh air that was blowing through the open window.

Suddenly Sam and Michael took off. Sam must've said something to piss Michael off. I chuckled to myself at how immature they acted.

I admired the view through the window. I could see the ocean and the boardwalk. I always felt drawn to the boardwalk even since I was a child. When I was about nine years old I wondered off on my own and got lost. I cried for what seemed like hours when four boys found me and helped find my Dad. I don't remember what they looked like just that they were kind and seemed to care for me.

Grandad walked into the kitchen with my brothers following behind. He walked over to the fridge and opened it. "Second shelf is mine. That's where I keep my root beers and double-thick Oreo's". He shut the fridge and said "Nobody touches the second shelf but me". he then left the room and the boys followed.

I took one last deep breath and left the kitchen deciding to go pick my room. I walked into the main room and walked up the old wooden stairs. Every step I took resulted in a creak.

I reached the top of the stairs and entered the room on my left. The door swung open and revealed a bedroom. I glanced over the room before realising that Sam had claimed this room. His stuff was neatly laid over his bed half unpacked.

I left the room and walked to the end of the corridor. The last door revealed a set of stairs which lead to the attic. I walked up to a large spacious attic space which had a bed a mirror and some other pieces of furniture in it. This is my room I decided.

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