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*Ashley's POV*

I pulled on the chains hoping that they would snap with my new vampire strength but even us vampires don't have superhero strength. I sighed as I realised brute force wouldn't get me out of the situation.

My eyes wandered the room looking for anything that could help me to escape my imprisonment. Nothing.

I mean I guess I could just scream and hope that someone just happens to be passing by. Wait I don't even know what time it is. It must be early well late for the humans early for me.

I guess screaming was my only option. I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear so I could escape and give my boys a peace of my mind.

About ten minutes of screaming and shouting went by until I finally got a reply.

"Hello? Is someone in here?" Asked a panicked voice.

"In here." I said in my best sad voice.

"Omg what happened to you? Are you okay?" She asked me with a shaky voice. She had long strawberry blonde hair and had freckles on her face. She was one of those effortless beauties.

"Don't worry about it" I said. She gave me a funny look in response to my statement. "Umm I mean I don't really remember." I corrected myself. She didn't seem convinced.

She walked towards me slowly and cautiously. She smelled delicious I hadn't eaten in a while and I could go for a nice meal right now especially when it was delivered straight to me.

"There should be a key around here somewhere." I stated trying to help her release me. I remember seeing these chains in the corner of corner of David's room with a key next to them. Did he need tying up or was he just kinky either way it left me curious. She left the room and entered the main part of the cave for around five minutes.

"I found it! I'm coming!" She shouted. She came running towards me and started to unlock the chain that was attached to my ankle. I guess her saviour complex kicked in and she wasn't so scared of the situation anymore.

I looked down at my ankle which was covered in a nasty bruise from where I tried to pull myself free.

"Ow that looks painful is there anything I can do to help." She said with a sweet smile on her face. Her eyes studied my face trying to figure out if I was okay. She seemed sweet in personality and probably in taste too.

"Actually there is something you can do for me." I said with a smirk.

*David's POV*

"If you help us get Ashley back we will tell you who the head vampire is." Said Dwayne in his usual calm tone. We would most likely be killed if we revealed who the head vampire was but we have lived long enough and Ashley deserves to be happy. She acts as if she is having the time of her life but we all know that she is miserable inside.

"Head vampire?" Asked Michael confused. He looked at me as if accusing me of being the head vampire. He wouldn't be able to recognise a head vampire if it slapped him in the face.

"If we kill the head vampire then all half vampires return to normal." Said Edgar with a gasp of realisation. Alan's face seemed to light up at Edgar's realisation. I wonder why they have such a hatred for our kind.

"Wait really?" Exclaimed Star as she hugged Laddie. They both had ginormous smiles on their faces.

I felt bad for turning them but we did it save their lives. We found Laddie alone in the street starving to death and injured. Some older kids had beat him because they caught him stealing money from them. We decided to let him stay with us and Dwayne took a real liking to him. I guess Laddie reminded him of his little sister.

*TW - Suicide Mention*

Poor Star, we found her on the beach with her wrists slit open. Blood was pouring out of her body and her life slipping away from her which was when I found her. The poor girl had no where to go and I guess she decided to end it once and for all. So we saved her and she joined our family but I guess she wanted out now.

The rest of the text is safe <3

"So Ashley won't turn back?" Asked Michael glumly.  I looked at my feet knowing I couldn't face him. I felt guilty for what happened. She was a sweet girl but now she's a monster.

"No she won't turn back." I replied tensely. I hated to admit it but it was the truth.

"So she's lost forever?" Asked the small blonde boy with a frown.

"No she was never lost in the first place. You humans may call us the lost boys but in reality you are the ones who are lost! You work nine to five jobs and never find happiness in life. You are surrounded by joy but you will never find it because you are the ones that are lost." I ranted. I hate it when humans think they are better than us just because they have a pulse.

"What he means is she's happy how she is now but at the moment she's reckless and ruthless." Added Dwayne giving me chance to calm down. I let out a sigh trying to calm my racing thoughts.

"We just need you guys to help her realise who she is again." I pleaded to them. I wasn't used to showing my more vulnerable side but Ashley had that effect on me, on all of us.

"Okay." Said Michael calmly. I could tell he was trying to act tough but I could smell the excitement coming off him. I simply rolled my eyes at his display.

"Deal?" I said offering my hand to him with a genuine smile. This was rare for me so he better accept my offer.

"Deal." He stated as he shook my hand with a slight smile.

Sorry it's a bit short guys but I'm not sure sure what else to add to this chapter without it being extremely long <3

I'm thinking of doing a spin off story with the strawberry blonde girl! I have some ideas but I want to know if you guys would like that <3

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