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"Sweetie come on you know Daddy loves you. I didn't mean to shout at you." Pleaded my father whilst frantically trying my door handle. I had Mom install a lock a few months back because we never knew what Dad would do when he got drunk. I was sat crying on my bed after he had said some horrible things to me all because I got home past curfew a few minutes late.

"Sweetie please." He said with a sad tone. I knew not to fall for his manipulations now but it still made me feel guilty for keeping him locked out.

"No!" I shouted sternly at the door as if I was the parent disciplining a child.

"Ashley Emerson if u don't open this door right and come out your room I will break this door and drag you out by your hair!" He screamed at the door as his body slammed against it causing the walls to shake at the impact.

Suddenly I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily and almost shaking. I was worried I had woken the others but then remembered its also impossible to wake a vampire during the day. I guess even powerful creatures like us needed a few weaknesses. I looked around the room trying to get my eyes to adjust to the lighting. There were multiple candles burning around the room and melted wax was everywhere.

I looked next to me and saw Paul snuggled up to me and Marko next to him practically taking up half the bed because his legs and arms were stretched out. I couldn't see Dwayne but I could feel his arm wrapped around my waist tightly. He was holding onto me as if he was going to lose me any second. I liked how protective they were over me. I had never experienced anyone actually caring about me enough to protect me.

I slowly removed my body from Dwayne's grasp and away from Paul. They didn't even react to my movement.

I left the bedroom and entered the main cave. A harsh light was streaming through the corridor that led to the exit. I loved and hated this part of the cave. It held some of my favourite memories and some of my worst memories. It reminded of the time where I was turned into a vampire and the time where Michael used me to get his own way all for a stupid girl. If it wasn't for her Michael would probably have followed the boys willingly and then we would all be together forever.

I walked towards the corner of the room where we kept the alcohol. I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind if I drank some. They were most likely going to steal more tonight anyway. I grabbed the first bottle I saw. It was a dark green glass bottle which I presumed contained some kind of wine.

I twisted the cap of the bottle. My lips met the cold glass and I took a sip of the liquid. A bitter flavour filled my mouth but I still drank it. I always despised the taste of wine.

I sat on the floor whilst sipping more of the bitter liquid. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes so I looked down at the floor. I was alone but I was taught to hide my emotions by my father. My tears dripped onto the floor leaving a wet patch on the cold hard floor.

"Ash? What's wrong?" Asked a familiar voice. I felt a presence sit beside me and then a hand on my thigh. I recognised the hands. His nails were painted black with the paint chipping off slightly. He wore many big silver rings and his hands had veins which ran up his arms and continued under his shirt.

I pushed his hand away and looked in the opposite direction to him. "I though you were mad at me." I said between tears.

Suddenly his hand was holding my face and he turned me to look at him. I could see those beautiful icy blue eyes again.

"I'm not mad." He said. "I'm scared." He continued. He looked away from me and started picking at his fingers as if he was anxious.

"You're scared?" I questioned him. Why would he be scared?

"No im not scared..." he said and then looked me in the eyes, "im terrified." He stated with tears in his eyes. I grabbed him and pulled him close to my chest. I held him tightly against my body and then kissed his head gently.

"Im safe now. Im not going anywhere." I whispered to him whilst still crying. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Just never leave okay? I don't want to loose you too." He said softly as his icy blue eyes met mine. It was nice knowing that I was so wanted. After everything with my father and then Michael and Sam I didn't really feel loved anymore. We sat there for five minutes just holding each other until we both felt better.

"Omg Mom." I whispered to myself. I realised I hadn't seen her in ages. She was probably really worried about me. My body tensed up at the thought of her hurting from worry. I mean I had disappeared before but everyone was on edge after the divorce with dad because he always said he would find us and take me, Michael and Sam away. Mom was probably really worried about me.

"Mom?" Asked David whilst backing away from me slightly.

"Yeh my mom is probably worried sick about me." I explained to him.

"Do you want to go see her?" He questioned me. He looked like he regretted his question but he still seemed curious about my answer. I knew that he didn't want me to leave and wanted to protect me but he also cared about my feelings too.

"Yes I do, but I will come back I swear. I would never leave you David." I said to him whilst placing my hand on his cheek. Those once haunting icy eyes were replaced with love and trust.

"Okay just wait until tonight because we have been summoned by max." He stated. His hands snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His cold lips met mine with the softest kiss I had ever received. His kiss confirmed his true feelings for me. He was completely filled with love and admiration for me.

I deepened my kiss with him allowing his tongue entrance to my mouth. His hands grabbed tighter at my waist and then he pulled onto his lap so I was straddling him. His touch was like ecstasy to me. I could easily get addicted to him.

I placed my hand around his neck and we kissed passionately. Then his hands moved down to grab my thighs. My body tensed up at his touch. The boys had always been respectful of me but was I ready to break my own rules yet? He slowed down in response to my body language. He moved his hands back up to my waist.

I broke the kiss, "it's okay" I said whilst trying to catch my breath. I grabbed his hands and slowly glided them down my body back to my thighs.

"Are you sure?" He asked whilst looking at me with concerned eyes.

"I'm sure." I said as I placed my hands onto his chest. He squeezed my thighs and kissed me again but even more passionately than before. He seemed hungry for me but also like he was holding back. I wrapped my arms around his neck making our kiss deeper than before.

His hand slowly moved up my thigh. His touch sent electric shooting through my body. I craved for him to fuck me.

He pulled away from my lips and started kissing my neck. My heart was knocking in my chest in response to his actions. He bit my skin slightly, marking me as his.

Suddenly he stopped. I could feel his breath against my neck which made me incredibly nervous. He pulled away and cupped my face with his hands.

"That's enough." He said in a cold but seductive tone as he stood up. I followed his actions. I looked away from him as I could the feel the heat in my cheeks. He flashed me his devilish smile.

"Think of it as punishment for disobeying me." He said as he lifted my chin to face him. This made me incredibly annoyed but also made me incredibly needy and desperate. I just stared at him trying to beg him to touch me with my eyes but he was firm with his decision.

"Now go get some rest, we have a lot going on the next week." He said as he walked away from me.

I watched as he made his way through the main part of the cave and into a separate room. I had never been in there before. I knew the boys had separate rooms but they liked to sleep together or with me now that im here.

I walked back into my room. Dwayne, Marko and Paul were all in the exact positions that I had left them in. I quietly crept over to the bed and climbed across it. My body relaxed into the soft bed. I looked at the boys and smiled as I finally had found my home. I didn't think about it much because my body was begging me for rest so I closed my eyes and darkness engulfed my vision.

Hey guys! Sorry for being inactive for ages but I'm back now for a while!
Thank you so much for reading <3

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