We Meet Again

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*Paul's POV*

We went back to the cave but Ashley was no where to be seen. All we found was a patch of human blood. It seems like she had a good time being tied up though. Wish I could've joined her though.

"Let's check the boardwalk. That's the only other place she would be." Suggested Marko with a smile.

"That's the first place she would expect us to check." Sighed David almost angrily. He was obviously stressed about the whole situation.

"Look she wants to drown her sorrows. I know a lot about that and I know where all the best alcohol and weed is. Anyone wanna take a guess where?" I questioned sarcastically.

"The boardwalk." Answered Dwayne with a sigh.

"Come on boys." Shouted Marko as he took of out the cave. We all followed behind him.

*At The Boardwalk*

"Look she has to be here somewhere so get searching." Demanded David as he strutted away from me, Marko and Dwayne.

"A please would've been nice." I said trying to lighten the mood a bit. Marko proceeded to elbow me in the stomach in response to my comment.

"Just get on it with Paul." Said Dwayne with a heavy look. With that Marko and Dwayne both took of in different directions.

I headed off towards a dark alley way where I usually get my weed from but unfortunately no luck. I checked with at least six of my dealers but none of them had seen a five foot six brown haired girl. I had one more dealer to check with.

I walked towards the frog brothers comic book store as I would often meet a dealer down the side alley way. I walked past the opening of the store where the frogs gave me dirty looks.

"Take a picture boys it lasts longer!" I exclaimed with a howl. They both scowled at me. I grinned at them as I slipped down the side of the store.

She had to be here. I had taken her here before so she knew about this place. This was the last place I could think of checking.

Suddenly that sweet addictive copper scent hit my senses. Ashley must be here.

*Ashley's POV*

The man's body dropped to the floor with a loud thud. His blood was one of the sweetest I had ever tasted or maybe it's just because I'm high. Who gives a shit anyway.

I leant against the cold hard wall of the comic book store. I looked at the stars which were looking back at me almost as if they were judging me for my behaviour. Maybe all this was wrong, maybe I've taken this to far. I frowned at the thought but quickly shook the feeling off.

"Another one seriously? That guy had the best weed!" Said a familiar voice in a sarcastic whiny tone. All I could see was a tall rather skinny shadow. It was Paul!

"Sorry I was hungry." I smiled as he walked closer to me.

*Paul's POV*

I walked closer to her hoping that she wouldn't figure out why I was here. I walked with my usually happy stride like I usually did. I hoped that this wouldn't make her suspicious of my intentions.

"Did you at least grab the weed?" I joked with her as I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Of course I did silly." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. She was clearly under the influence of something.

"Now be a good boy and kiss me." She said teasingly as she planted her lips on mine. All I wanted to do was devour her right there and then but I couldn't we had to bring her to Michael. We had to fix all this.

"I'm sorry Ash but we have more important things to do right now." I said as I pulled away from her soft lips. My hands were now in her shoulders trying to push her away from me.

"Important things?" She questioned me with a tilt of her head.

"Michael wants to talk." I said blandly to her. I saw her eyes water. I hated seeing her hurt but she needed to hear him out.

"He wants to apologise." I explained trying to comfort her.

"What if I don't want an apology!" She screamed at me with tears starting to stream down her face.

"Give him a chance babe." I said calmly whilst grabbing her shoulders. She hit my arms away refusing to let me comfort her.

"He hurt me I don't want to see him and I certainly can't forgive him." She explained with a growl. Her eyes practically glowed red out of anger. I was scared of her. I stepped back slightly.

"Ash this isn't you." I said in a gentle tone hoping that it would calm her and make her see reason. So far my attempts were useless. She put her walls up and she had a lot of them to break through. I'm starting to think that this isn't just about Michael. She seemed annoyed by what I said.

"Well it is now." She replied coldly.

"Ash we can have fun all we want but I want u to keep some of your humanity." I explained to her in an almost desperate tone. I was practically begging at this point.

"What is this really about?" I asked gently hoping not to spook her away. She recoiled at the question. She pulled even farther away from me. She was now engulfed by the shadows. The shadows swirled around her almost like a shield or protection.

"It doesn't matter he's gone now." She hissed at me. A glint of light reflected of her cheek making it obvious that tears were streaming down her face.

"Who's gone Ashley?" I asked in a hushed tone whilst stepping towards her. I grabbed her by shoulders and pulled her towards me in an embrace. Her body was cold and stiff. Then suddenly her body relaxed into mine. I had finally brought her home.

"Wait no he's not gone but now I can make him disappear for good." She said sadistically.

"Ash no!" I shouted as she wriggled out my arms and darted passed me.

*Ashley's POV*

That's what I had to. I had to make him disappear for good. I ran under Paul's arm knowing exactly what I had to when I hit a hard chest. It was David. The one person who I couldn't convince that I was fine.

He looked at me with a cold stare. I could tell he was worried by his eyebrows. They had been contorted into a worried expression.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked harshly. He used the same tone that teachers used to tell you off with.

"No where just going for a midnight stroll." I lied with a sweet smile.

"Kitten this isn't you. Come back to us." He said pleadingly. His eyes were wet and staring deeply into mine. It was that same look from when we first saw each other. His eyes seemed as if they were looking into my soul.

"I have things to do." I shot at him. He wasn't shocked his expression didn't change whatsoever.

"Michael wants to apologise isn't that enough for you to get over what ever this is." Added Marko from behind him as walked out of the shadows.

"It's not just about Michael is it?" Asked Paul from behind me with a worried tone.

I readjusted my posture at the question. It made me feel uncomfortable. I hadn't spoke about what happened to anyone else other than Michael and Sam.

"No why would it?" I said defensively hoping that my response would be believable.

"We all know what it's like to have brothers who aren't exactly well behaved." Said Dwayne whilst smiling at his friends. "No matter how much we argue we never actually hate each other." He explained.

"What's really wrong Princess?" Asked Marko. He had a very concerned look on his face and looked almost as if he had been crying.

"Can we not talk about it here please." I replied finally giving in. Once they understood they would help me kill him.

Hi guys!!!
I've updated in ages cause tbh my mental health got real bad but the support that I have gained recently has really made me feel better! Thank you guys for the amazing support!
Love you guys <3
Oh and don't forget to follow me because I'll update when I'm going to next update the story!

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