Hudson's Bluff

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*Davids POV*

We pulled up in front of Michael and Star. Michael was getting on an old red battered bike.

"Where you going Star?" I hissed. She looked at with annoyance.

"For a ride" she replied nervously. She tried to hide how nervous she was but I could smell her fear. It was intoxicating. She started walking towards Michael and his bike.

"Star" I said menacingly. She sent an apologetic look towards Michael and walked towards Paul.

*Ashleys POV*

I pressed my cheek hard into Davids back because I knew Michael would be mad that I was hanging out with these guys. He was the protective older brother type.

All I could smell was Davids scent. It reminded me of cigarettes, leather and copper. The smell was so unique and hypnotic. I wanted to smell it forever.

"Star" David warned. She started slowly walking toward Paul. Michael got up from his bike. He looked at David and then looked directly at me.

"Ashley?" Why are you on his bike?" He questioned me whilst getting closer to us.

Mike got close to David which cause David to put his hand against his chest and push him back.

"We are just going to have some fun. You can join us if you want." Said David whilst tilting his head to the side and smirking.

"I'm fine Mike. We are just having some fun" I said whilst smiling at him.

"You know where Hudson's Bluff is? Overlooking the point?" David questioned him. David revs the engine which causes me to tighten my grip around his waist. 

"I can't beat your bike" replied Michael.

"You don't have to beat me Michael" he said with a smirk. "Just try to keep up."

Michael got back on his bike and started up the engine.

"Hold on tight love" he whispered to me. I readjusted my grip and we set off into the beach.

We were moving so fast everything was a blur. The wind ran its fingers through my hair and caressed my soft skin. The chill in the air was so refreshing . I tilted my head back and closed my eyes whilst taking in everything that had just happened. I was living my dream. I was finally free.

I could hear the boys cheering and howling behind me. I breathed in deeply and let a howl. It's felt great to finally be able to release all my emotions.

"Yes Ashley!" I heard Paul shouting. Marko was laughing in the background.

This was the happiest I had ever felt in my entire life. The wind blowing through my hair; surrounded by people that like me; finally being free from my worries.

"Whatever happens next I need you to know that I would never hurt you or your brother. Okay love? He whispered to me.

"What what do you mean?" I questioned him with a shaky voice.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. Something about him made want to trust him but I had o lot just met him. He could be a murderer for all I know.

"I do" I said. I'm not sure why I said it. It was was like a magnet was pulling in and tempting me stay in this path. Maybe it was fate or maybe it was death awaiting his next soul to collect. I didn't know which but I wanted to find out.

David sped up. I hardly keep hold of him. I entangled my fingers to ensure that I wouldn't let go. I looked to my left and saw Michael catching up with us. Soon we were neck and neck. Mike was also competitive especially when trying to beat me. I was always better on a bike than him. He would never admit it though.

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