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*The Next Morning*

Light streamed in through my bedroom window causing me to awake. The light hurt my eyes but it was comforting to know that the light could still touch my skin.

I looked around the room expecting to see my bedroom but I saw posters of singers and dancers. I had forgotten that I gave my room to Star and Laddie. Me, Sam and the frog brothers all slept in Sammy's room.

I could tell that Star was still mad at me and I think Laddie was a bit scared of me. I didn't mean to snap at them it's just so much had happened in the span of a couple days. My brain hadn't had enough time to process everything yet.

I sat up and saw Sam laid on the floor with a frog brother either side of him. They had both sworn to protect him in case I vamped out or something. I didn't even know what that meant.

I climbed out of the bed and stepped over the sleeping boys. I left the room and started walking down the stairs. Every footstep created a creak in the wooden stairs.

I walked in the kitchen to see Mom making pancakes.

"Morning Michael." She said cheerfully as she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Morning Mom" I replied rather glumly as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"I wish you guys could've told me you were having a sleepover. I could've bought more ingredients to make more pancakes." She complained.

"Sorry Mom it was a last minute decision thing." I replied with a smile. I knew that we should tell her about what happened but I didn't want to put her in danger.

"Well I'm gonna finish up this last batch and then I'm heading to work. There should be enough pancakes for all of you."

"Thanks Mom, but you really didn't have to do all that." I explained.

"It's okay I don't mind." She replied.

*The Cave*

"Everyone up! Come on!" Shouted David.

My eyes fluttered open to see Dwayne, Paul and Marko on the bed with me. Paul stirred at David's words.

"Five more minutes." He complained.

"It's sunrise come on! They could be coming to ambush us right now." Explained David. I didn't think of David as the paranoid type but maybe he was.

"I'm not paranoid just concerned." Complained David.

"What I didn't..." I tried explaining.

"He can hear our thoughts when he wants to." Explained Paul now wide awake.

"What?!" I said panicked.

"I don't do it often kitten. Don't worry you can keep all your fantasies about me to yourself." He teased.

"What's happening? Is it morning? Why are we all awake?" Asked Marko in a sleepy voice.

"We need to figure what we are doing once night fall hits and those rats could attack at any moment." Explained David with a growl.

"I swear if they come near Marko or Ashley again I'm gonna rip their heads off." Growled Paul.

"Someone please wake Dwayne up! I've never known someone to sleep so deeply." Complained David. I had never seen this side to the boys. They were no longer joking and having fun but were furious and murderous.

Paul got off the bed and slapped Dwayne's leg in an attempt to wake him up. Dwayne rolled over and opened his eyes where David was staring at him.

"What's going on?" Asked Dwayne.

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