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*At the Cave*
*Ashley's POV*

I followed the boys into the cave. As soon as I entered the cave the smell of blood hit my senses again. The memories of ripping into that girls throat flooded my brain. I remember the time the boys told me the rules of being a lost girl.


"Do not bring anyone to the cave without us all agreeing." Said Paul with a serious yet jokey tone. He lead me into the main part of the cave.  I loved the smell of the cave. It was salty like the ocean just outside but also smelled like leather and burnt wood. It smelled familiar like I was meant to be there. I felt comfortable there.

"We all contribute for takeaway food money! Make sure to steal some money." Added Marko with a sly grin. Paul jumped onto the old red velvet couch and made himself comfy.

"Don't kill anyone in the cave aswell!" Said Paul but seriously this time.

"We don't want any blood stains anywhere." Said Dwayne whilst putting some books into a neat pile. It seemed as if he liked having some order in this chaos.

"Oh and don't tell anyone about us but I'm pretty sure that was obvious ." Said Marko with a chuckle. Paul stood up and threw on arm over Marko's shoulder.

"I dunno she seems a bit dumb if you ask me Marko." Said Paul with a laugh.

"Hey I'm not!" I exclaimed whilst crossing my arms.

"You might be right Paul." Added Marko teasingly. I hit him on the shoulder in a playful way. They both then collapsed onto the couch again laughing away.

Suddenly David stood up and walked over to me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled my body against his. His cold hard body against mine felt so right like I was exactly where I was meant to be. His lips crashed against mine but he pulled away awfully quick. To quick for my liking.

"And most of all don't let anyone other than us do that." He said with a smirk.

"Welcome home Ash!" Exclaimed Paul with a smile that resembled the cheshire cat. He then pulled me in by my waist into a an embrace. He then kissed my forehead as I looked up at him.

*End of flashback*

I touched my lips where David's lips had once been. Maybe what I had done was wrong.

"Sit down Ashley and explain." Ordered David. He was being harsh but I knew he was only doing it because he cared.

"Umm okay." I said as I sat down in the old red velvet couch. The boys didn't sit next to me though they only pulled up chairs in front of me. They seemed as if they really wanted to listen to what I had to say. No one had ever given me this much attention.

"Ash it's okay." Said Marko sweetly with a smile.

"Uhhh okay well Michael said some things that brought up some old memories for me." I sighed as I looked down at my lap. My fingers were nervously picking at my nails.

"We'll surely he couldn't have said anything that bad." Said Paul. Dwayne elbowed him in response to his comment.

"Ow!" He exclaimed whilst rubbing his arm. He obviously didn't know the effect of what Michael had said to me. I mean why would he I couldn't blame him.

"It's okay Dwayne." I said calmly with a small smile. Marko put his hand on my leg trying to comfort me.

"Look I don't think I can forgive Michael but I'll try to behave more I promise." I said genuinely. Paul and Marko smiled at me sweetly however David didn't seem convinced.

"If u don't behave we will punish you Ashley." He said coldly as he stared at me. He was sat in his chair leant over staring right at me.

"Punish me?" I questioned teasingly as I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped a piece of my hair around my finger and twirled it around.

"Yes we will." He said nervously whilst adjusting his posture. He obviously didn't expect that response from me. It was nice to see him squirm for once.

"I don't mind being punished." I said whilst placing myself on his lap.

He smiled menacingly at me. Obviously he had figured out what was going on.

He grabbed my chin to force me to look at him. His cold blue eyes stared into mine. His ran his thumb over my lips parting them slightly. Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on my neck making my body shiver with excitement.

"Did you like that princess?" Whispered a voice in my ear. I turned to see Marko smiling at me. All I could do was nod I was completely speechless.

David started to glide his hand up my thigh making my body shiver. His hand slightly slipped under my skirt before he removed his hand and grabbed my waist.

He picked me up and placed me down so we were both standing. He glared at me. He wasn't angry at me his expression said so but I could tell he was trying to stay mad at me.

"I'm still mad at you love. Don't tempt me like that again." He whispered in my ear and then leaving the room to where the boys often slept.

I turned around to see Marko and Paul pretending to have a conversation and Dwayne just staring at me.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Then suddenly I felt a large pair of arms surround me. It was Dwayne I could tell by his scent.

"He doesn't mean it he just needs to seem tough. He's very defensive." He whispered gently in my ear. I wrapped my arms round Dwayne's waist collapsing into his embrace.

"Why is he like that though? Why can't he just be himself?" I asked quietly hoping David wouldn't hear from the other room.

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you Ash. Once all this conflict is over I'm sure he will explain and apologise." He said whilst pulling away from me and looking deep into my eyes. I smiled at him trying to show that I understood him.

"Now let me kiss that pretty smile of yours." He said with a sweet smile. He gently placed his lips against mine. He traced the shape of my body with his hands slowly which sent electric throughout my body.

I loved the way they made me feel. I felt so safe and wanted when I was with them. I pulled away from the kiss suddenly.

"Wait where's Star and Laddie?" I questioned.

"Gone." Said Marko sadly.

"What do you mean gone?" I asked confused. I stepped towards Marko concerned that he meant gone gone.

"Your brothers and those vampire hunters took them whilst we were sleeping." He said angrily.

"I hadn't even noticed." I sighed.

"Yeh u were so drunk and high you slept through it and I guess you just didn't notice the past few days." Said Dwayne calmly but also like he was disappointed in me.

"Why haven't u gone to find them?" I asked concerned. I crossed my arms. I couldn't help but feel this was all my fault. I was angry at myself as they all spent more time trying to bring me back and not saving Star and Laddie.

"We care more about you babe." Said Paul as his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled but I felt guilty for Star and Laddie not being here with us. My brothers shouldn't have taken them they should've had the choice to leave not be kidnapped from their own home.

"And we aren't even sure if they want to be saved." Said Marko sadly. He looked at his feet and readjusted his posture. I always wondered why they weren't full vampires. Maybe they didn't want this life but who wouldn't? Sleep all day, party all night, never grow old, never die, it's fun to be a vampire.

"Cmon it will morning soon." He whispered in my ear. He grabbed my hand and took me to our bedroom. Marko and Dwayne followed but no David.

Thanks for being patient guys. I've just started college so things have been a bit hectic.
Thank you so much for the support <333
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