Peace Treaty

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*Marko's POV*

It had been a week since Ashley went to visit and Michael and since then she was different. Her visit with him changed something inside her. She became careless and reckless. We enjoyed it for a while as she always wanted to party but when we fed she was monstrous. She would attack people in public not caring who saw her. She would walk out into the main part of the boardwalk drenched in blood with a horrifying smile plastered on her face. She didn't care about anyone. Not even us.

Dwayne noticed the changes first and told David but he didn't seem to care much. He said that she needed time to enjoy life well her new undead life. Paul agreed with him for a while but eventually he also grew scared of these changes. Eventually David came around when he caught her messing around with some surf nazi. David became angry and refused to talk to her anymore. We all became unhappy with this monster that we created.

We agreed that tomorrow night we had to do something about it. We were going to make a deal with Michael.

*Ashley's POV*

Life was good I didn't give a shit about anything but something was missing. My boys didn't like my partying. They said that I'm reckless and stupid and so what they always clean up my messes I just want to the bad girl for once in my life. The more angry they grew at my actions the more addicted I became to the recklessness.

I woke up to find the boys missing from the cave. Maybe they had gone out early to feed or wanted to get the party started early. I sat up in the bed and removed the satin sheets from my body.

When I tried to get off the bed something pulled me back I looked down to see a metal chain around my ankle. They really tied me up. I mean come on I wasn't doing anything wrong. Was I?

*David's POV*

We arrived at Michael's excuse of a home and knocked at the door. Usually we wouldn't but Dwayne said we needed to seem more civilised if this was going to work.

"This isn't going to work." I complained.

"It will trust me, remember I'm to do most of the talking." Answered Dwayne.

I may be the official leader of the lost boys but to be honest we were all the leaders. Dwayne was the smart and careful one. He always made sure to lead us to safety. Paul always made sure we had a good time he was fun and light hearted in everything he did. Marko was the passionate one he made sure we still had morals.

A small but kind looking woman opened the door. She seemed confused but then smiled at us. Neither us knew what to say so we stood there awkwardly for a while.

"Umm we are Ashley's friends can we talk to Michael?" Said Marko in a cheerful voice.

"Yes of course Michael is upstairs in his room. You boys have fun!" She smiled sweetly as she motioned for us to come in.

She walked into the kitchen and resumed whatever she was doing. We walked towards the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. I was sure that Michael would freak out when he saw us.

We came to a wooden door that had red keep out signs posted on the door. We could hear around four male voices on the other side of it and one female that sounded a lot like Star.

They seemed to be discussing something that appeared to be quite important. I wonder if they are talking about Ash?

I pushed the door gently and it opened slowly with a creak. So much for entering the room quietly.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Shouted Michael whilst practically running at me. I knew I could handle him so I stood my ground. Suddenly Dwayne swooped in front of me blocking Michaels path.

"We just wanna talk. It's about Ashley." He stated calmly. Dwayne was always able to extinguish the flames in people.

"Michael it's Ashley let's hear them out." Pleaded Sam. Ashley had talked about Sam fondly. He must mean a lot to her.

Michael stood tense for a while trying to make a decision. Dwayne's hand was on his chest to prevent any attack initiated. Eventually he pushed Dwayne's arm off him quite forcibly and moved to one side inviting us into the room.

Dwayne lead the way and I followed. Paul and Marko followed quietly behind us. They were never great in serious situations they were like puppies full of excitement. They were difficult to keep contained but we managed to keep them calm.

"So what's this about other than you keeping her prisoner." Accused Michael.

"We are not..." started Marko as he leapt at Michael.

"Marko!" I hissed whilst pushing him back towards Paul. He looked down at his feet and Paul rubbed his arm to comfort him.

"First of all we aren't keeping her prisoner but I think we should probably start doing so." I hissed at Michael.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Sam in a shaky voice.

"She's gone off the rails and that's a big deal when it comes from me." Explained Paul almost with a chuckle.

"It's you fault!" Shouted Marko at Michael.

Paul and Dwayne grabbed him by his arms as he lunged at Michael.

"Take him outside let him calm down." I ordered to Paul. He nodded and pulled Marko outside.

"I'm sorry for our behaviour but we are all on edge. Ashley has put us in real danger. She's reckless."

"That doesn't sound like Ashley you're lying." Shouted Sam whilst hiding behind Michael.

"But it does Sam. Something bad will happen and then she will go off the rails. It happens all the time and it's all my fault. If I hadn't..." said Michael.

"Don't blame yourself." Interrupted Sam.

"Look we don't care who's fault it is we want Ashley back and we are offering you a deal." Explained Dwayne calmly.

"What kind of deal?" Asked Michael with an intrigued look upon his face.

"One you can't refuse." I replied.

Sorry for not publishing weekly guys I have been struggling with my mental health recently but expect more uploads soon and sorry this one is a bit short <3

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