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*Davids POV*

Her beautiful face turned to face mine. She stared at me in shock.

"Yes it is quite pretty" she said confidently and looked back towards the sky. I could tell I made her nervous. She readjusted her posture to seem more confident.

"Not as pretty as you love" I said as I looked up to the stars with a smirk. I glanced over to see her blushing and smiling at the sky. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"So what's your name?" She said whilst turning to me.

"David and you are?" I said whilst turning my body to face hers.

"Ashley" she replied.

"Ashley, what a lovely name" I said with a smirk.

"Thanks" she said quietly whilst lifting her hand to touch her lips.

*Ashleys POV*

God he is so hot I thought to myself. I felt drawn to him like I was meant to meet him. It was the weirdest feeling I had ever experienced. It was like my entire body was burning but it felt good, it felt right.

"You aren't from around here are you?" He asked whilst tilting his head. He studied every part of my face like he desperately needed to remember every small detail.

"No we just moved here but I used to come here every summer though " I explained.

"Well if you wanted a tour I will happily give you one" he said with a smirk.

"Yeh maybe but I really should be going now and find my brothers" I replied.

*David POV*

"Brothers" I muttered to myself realising that the boy she was with was her brother. I felt so relieved that he was her brother. The jealousy that shot through my body when I saw him felt like I had lost everything. I realised she was watching me waiting for me to say something.

"Until our next meeting then" I said whilst holding out my hand.

*Ashleys POV*

"Until our next meeting" I replied and placed my hand in his. He smiled and leant down and kissed my hand. His icy blue eyes didn't leave mine. He let go and smiled at me. My cheeks were hot from blushing. I was entranced by his stare.

He turned around and started walking away not looking back. I stood there trying to process this gorgeous man and why the hell he was interested in me.

His trench coat swayed with every step he took. I watched him until he turned a corner and was out of sight.

I wondered round the boardwalk for a couple more minutes trying to find Sam and Mike. I wondered past a comic book store. I looked inside and saw Sam talking to two boys that were probably about a year older than him. I decided not to embarrass him in front of his new friends so I left the entrance of the store.

I carried on wondering around the stalls for about five minutes just to see what kind of stalls there were.

I eventually came back to where I started which is when I saw Michael and Sam together looking at something.

"Heys guys what are we look..." my voice trailed of as I saw David and some girl on his bike. He looked over in my direction and that gorgeous smile of his emerged. He started the engine of the bike and rode it into the distance. Three other bikes followed him.

"I know what's up with Michael but what's up with you?" Asked Sam whilst turning to look at me.

"Nothing just ate to much sugar I guess" I shrugged.

*The Next Day*

I woke up and found that Mom and Sam were gone and Michael was still asleep even though it was 11am. I had no clue where Grandpa was. He was odd he was so who knows where he could be.

I decided to carry on unpacking my room. I had already put all my clothes away. So it just decorations and other personal items to sort out. I pulled out about ten rolled up pieces of paper and placed them on my bed. I removed lots of other trinkets from the box such as a picture frame, my jewellery box and some other stuff.

I got to the end of the box and found my old diary. I pulled it out of the box and started to flick through the pages. I reached a page that had the date July ninth 1979. That was the day that I got lost at the boardwalk. I read through my diary entry barely being able to make sense of most of it as I couldn't spell that well when I was nine years old.

It read: Today I got lost at the boardwalk and I couldn't find my mommy or Michael. I was very scared and it made me cry.  These four boys found me. One had funny blonde hair it was very spiky. They helped me find my mommy but I never got to say thank you. Mommy says to always say thank you.

Strange I thought to myself. Maybe David and that boy are related or something. I didn't think about it to much. I put all my posters up and unpacked the rest of the boxes. By time I had finished everything it was five o'clock. Mom and Sam would be back at six which means I could go back to the boardwalk.

I walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a Twinkie and a glass of water. I looked out the window. I watched as the sun got lower and lower. I finished my Twinkie and threw the rubbish in the bin. I took one last sip of the water and placed it into the sink. I heard someone walking down the stairs so I walked into the main room. Michael was walking down the stairs.

"Tired much" I asked.

"Shut up Ashley I'm not in the mood" he moaned at me.

"What just because the girl rejected you?" I questioned him.

"What about the guy that she left with I saw the way he looked at you. You've met him before haven't you?" He asked me.

"What no! I've never seen him before in my life" I lied.

"Mhm" he replied.

"Shut up" I muttered.

"I'm off to the boardwalk in a couple minutes" I added to try and change the subject. "I know Sam isn't going but I was wondering if you were going?"

"Yeh probably" he muttered whilst walking into the kitchen.

Suddenly the door swung open and an excited Sam ran though. Mom followed whilst placing her keys in her purse.

"I'm off to the boardwalk by the way Mom" I said to her.

"Okay honey, be safe and don't be to late getting back" she said.

"I won't" I laughed as I left the house excited for the journey ahead of me.

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